Researching Ibn Muhanna's dictionary in terms of linguistic features
In many linguistic studies, many studies have been conducted on the work "Hilyetü'l-insan" and "Halbetü'l-lisan", which was mentioned as Ibn Muhanna's Dictionary, whose real name was revealed when the Istanbul copy was found, and which belongs to Jamaladdin Ibn Muhanna. In the middle of the century, the Persian, Turkic and Mongolian languages gained influence and were widely used in Iraq as well as in the entire Elkhanid territory. Ibn Muhenna wrote his dictionaries "Hilyetü'l-insan" and "Halbetü'l-lisan" in this scientific environment. It is estimated that it was written in Meraga or Baghdad in the second half of the century. Despite the fact that the official language of the Elkhanid state is Turkic, Ibn Muhanna wrote his work in Arabic based on the main features of these three languages, considering that Arabic, Persian and Mongolian languages are also used in cultural, administrative, commercial and public life. According to the Istanbul copy of the introduction and the three-part dictionary, pages 5–111 were devoted to Persian, pages 113–310 to Turkic, and pages 311–371 to Mongolian. The part of the work related to the Persian language consists of an introduction and twenty-eight chapters where general grammatical rules are explained. In this research study, we will try to compare the linguistic features of Ibn Muhanna's Dictionary.
Ibn Muhanna dictionary; Turkic language; Istanbul version; official language; Mongolian language; language featuresReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Moussa Diagne Faye, Vini Yves Bernadin Loyara, Amadou Keita, Mamadou Diop, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Mahamadou Koita, Hamma Yacouba

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