This study presents a corpus-based analysis of 51 critic reviews of the romantic comedy "While You Were Sleeping", sourced from RottenTomatoes, to explore the linguistic nuances, thematic focuses, and sentiment orientation in film criticism. Employing corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis, the study systematically examines the language and thematic patterns in these reviews, aiming to... More
In Nepal and other regions, fostering social cohesion within ethnolinguistic communities is recognized as a vital factor for fostering social prosperity. This research paper presents an integrated framework developed through an extensive literature survey, incorporating the perspectives of ethnolinguistics and social cohesion. The study examines social cohesion using mixed methods, exploring its domains and correlation... More
Input flood and input enhancement are two prominent techniques to develop learners’ writing competence. While the former refers to offering multiple sources to increase students’ gains, the latter implies highlighting certain linguistic items to attract attention. A plethora of studies have been conducted to measure the effectiveness of both techniques. However, a gap in the... More
The expectations from the teachers have transformed radically in the 21st century, which necessitates using all moments of the lesson efficiently. In this regard, bell work assignments take precedence to make students revise previous topics as a warm-up activity while the teacher is completing official procedures such as attendance, writing lesson plans on the board,... More
The study investigates the translation processes of human and artificial intelligence translators in comparison. Human translators consist of a Chinese native speaker and belt and road translators. Different versions of artificial intelligence translators comprise ChatGPT 3.5 and ChatGPT 4.0. The research methodology employed is a keyword detection technique. One human translator and one translator powered... More
A comprehensive teaching plan, mindful practices and effective use of technology can boost the writing skills of Second Language Learners by improving spontaneity, naturalness, and accuracy. A vibrant learning community, strongly connected through on-site and online mediums, is ideal for enhancing the skills of foreign language students. This research focuses on enhancing students’ paragraph writing... More
Tang poetry is rich in images, and the pipa portrayed in Tang poetry mainly symbolizes compassion and melancholy, indifference and openness, and joy and resentment. With the approaches of case study and comparative analysis, the study built a framework of the relevance translation theory to compare the pipa images in three English versions of Three... More
This study offers a comprehensive examination of the linguistic landscape in a nonmetropolitan university, focusing on the dominant language used in university signage. The study primarily delves into the multilingual characteristics and nature of Western Mindanao State University, situated in a linguistically-diverse environment. The study employed analytical categories, which was utilized to serve as basis... More
With the increasing demand for the enhancement of interdisciplinary competence in English teaching reform, English for specific purposes (ESP) teaching has become a hot topic in the field of English education. In order to better understand the phenomena and problems of ESP teaching in China, this study investigated the research tendency in China ESP teaching... More
Reporting a situation of war is an intricate activity that requires balance. An attempt not to uphold this balance can have an implication not only on the parties involved in the war but also on the report. This paper examines Arabic-English reports of the Russia-Ukraine 2022-2023 war, considering how the target text orients towards peace.... More
This research aims to scrutinize the use of language in intermarried families between Sundanese women and French men living in France. Using ethnographic research with a qualitative and descriptive methodology, the data in this study were gathered via observations, interviews with informants, and written sources in the form of notes from the French embassy in... More
The aim of the study is to identify and analyse frame structures, activators, and concepts in texts to reveal their impact on the reader' s perception. The research employed the methods of semantic, structural, and intertextual frame analysis. Cronbach' s alpha was also used to verify the instruments used. The following cases were used in... More
This study examined Lina Kostenko's literary expressions, and offers a more profound comprehension of the nuanced connotations associated with ЗЕМЛЯ/LAND concept in the Ukrainian context and its role in shaping Ukrainian cultural identity. The analysis of Kostenko's literary works, with a specific emphasis on significant lexical components such as Україна/Ukraine, рідна земля/native land, and Батьківщина/Motherland, explored the complex... More
This paper discusses the lexical-semantic opposition EMPTY/FULL in the corpus of legal, military and medical texts. The study analyzes 130 official business texts, in which we examined the problem of defining and constructing the lexical-semantic opposition EMPTY/FULL. The analysis promoted the construction of quantitative sampling, which demonstrates the weight of the lexemes in the corpus... More
This article focuses on the cognitive rhetoric features of the politician's facework that incorporate face threatening acts, communicative strategies, and discursive functions in a political speech. The data were taken from the speech on misogyny delivered in 2012 by the 27th Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Throughout the article we disclose the interaction of the... More
The article presents a detailed comparative analysis of translations of twelve great Ukrainian poet Ivan Franko's poems done by translator Percival Cundy and the GPT-3.5 AI language model. Using various manual and automatic analytical research methods and techniques, we analyzed the translations' merits, demerits, and eight essential qualitative and quantitative linguistic and poetic characteristics to... More
This article addresses the phenomenon of ludic stylistics, viewed through the lens of interdiscursivity. The paper defines interdiscursivity as a narrative strategy that involves the blending of discourses of different types within a single literary text, thereby foregrounding its genre-bound nature. In the "The Science of Discworld" series, co-authored by Terry Pratchett along with the... More
Michikusa (1915) is an autobiographical novel penned by the renowned Japanese writer, Natsume Sōseki. Researchers typically employ it to probe the intricate interplay between the author/protagonist's evolution and the historical milieu of Meiji-era Japan. Scholars such as Chiaki Ishihara have advocated for a new avenue of inquiry, advocating the application of psychoanalytic perspectives in exploring... More
The article researches translators' challenges in rendering domain-specific terms which include culture-specific items. The study has been carried out using Old Rus' historical terminology employed to designate social and military status. It was selected en masse from academic texts, using monographs and academic articles in both languages. 82 language units representing culture-specific historical terms related... More
The study deals with the representation of culture-specific items in Jojo Moyes' novels 'Me Before You', and 'After You' and their rendering in Ukrainian translations. The article specifies the role of culture-specific vocabulary as a means that adds necessary socio-cultural details to the setting making the above mentioned novels facts of the English-language (mainly British... More
This study aims to elucidate the metaphorical representations of the concept PARENT within American media discourse. By analyzing the conceptual metaphors employed in newspaper discourse, we seek to reconstruct the metaphorically derived understanding of parenthood within English-speaking community. These conceptual metaphors, crafted by media presenters, exert a profound influence on the societal comprehension of this... More
The article is devoted to the study of the lexicon that represents the notion of coffee in present-day English. The novelty of the research is that the corresponding lexical units were established, analysed, and then distributed in groups, with their semantic connections revealed and described. It is quite topical as a great number of modern... More
Today, Muse YouTube channels are deemed to be the most prominent platforms for watching anime for people in many Asian countries, including Indonesia. Making use of the concept of Extralinguistic Culture-bound Reference (ECR) and seven translation strategies proposed by Pedersen, this quantitative research sought to identify the dominant translation ideologies of the English and Indonesian... More
Though the translation of film titles has not been firmly established within translation studies, the existing studies mainly focus on the translation strategies and process analysis from classic theories including Skopos theory and semantic equivalence. Meanwhile, there has been limited research to examine the translation of animation titles. This paper delves into the intricate world... More
Web-based training is a contemporary approach acknowledged as a proficient pedagogical strategy for imparting knowledge on L2 lexical items. The objective of this study was to investigate if the utilisation of web-based activities for teaching vocabulary items yields distinct outcomes in terms of acquisition and retention of L2 lexical items, as opposed to conventional procedures.... More
In response to the ever-growing globalization and intercultural exchange, the cultural aspects of translation are of the utmost importance. This article aims to examine and compare the translation procedures and strategies used to render culture-specific items, particularly realia and irrealia, in non-fiction and fiction texts. Realia, being culture-bound concepts in the real world, and irrealia,... More
Evidence is steadily mounting on the prominence of online and technology-enabled learning in higher education. The present study intended to investigate whether virtual, interactive, real-time, instructor-led (VIRI) online learning has the potential to yield comparable student performance and engagement results to that of a traditional face-to-face (F2F) course. This is of great significance since the... More
Semantics and pragmatics, as theoretical frameworks, continue to prove their appropriateness in the examination of literary texts and conversations, as well as in songs and music. This denotes that the two theoretical frameworks cannot solely be constricted within the parameters of general linguistics; instead, they are applicable to other disciplines or subject areas. In view... More
This study attempts to explore the perceptions of Pakistani pre-university EFL learners about the intensive reading (IR) and extensive reading (ER) approaches and the use of technology in these two approaches. This is a qualitative study using a purposive sampling technique. The participants were 10 pre-university undergraduate students enrolled in the foundation program of a... More
Teaching English in a monolingual context is often daunting for many EFL instructors and teachers. Studies have shown that instructors are pivotal in driving students' learning motivation. However, how EFL instructors teach, including how their verbal immediacy behavior impacts learners, often goes unnoticed. Instructor verbal immediacy is a significant factor in motivating learners to learn,... More