This paper is going to investigate the defamatory statements that are posted on social media platforms and those statements are considered as a language crime that is usually recognized as a linguistic act. Defamatory statements can be expressed in different ways, including written and spoken words, gestures, or other ways of communication. Consequently, persons who... More
The present research is a qualitative study investigating a potential relationship between explicit grammar instruction to adult EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners and the development of their writing skill. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach discourages explicit teaching of grammar at all levels as the theoretical premise in the approach is that learners are... More
This study delves into the unique narrative style of graphic novelist Sarnath Banerjee, focusing on his depiction of post-colonial identity in a modern, multilingual Indian context. It examines how Banerjee utilizes both phonetic elements and text to express this theme. Contrary to the perception of comics as trivial, this paper argues that they effectively blend... More
The updated version of the national English curriculum for compulsory education was released in 2022. In this updated version, phonics was also required. Although studies about phonics were uprising again after the release of the new curriculum, most of the previous studies did not specify phonics instruction approach or obtain a larger sample size. Besides,... More
Translation assessment, referring to evaluating various aspects related to translation, is crucial to the improvement of translation competence and quality. This study, taking valid papers on translation assessment published in WoS core collection from 2000 to 2022 as research samples, visualizes and reviews the research theme, research evolutions and emerging hot topics of translation assessment... More
This study examines the issue of first language interference in spoken and written Indonesian by Azerbaijani students who are taking an Indonesian language course at Azerbaijan University of Languages. The study is framed within the context of bilingualism, where first language interference occurs when individuals learn a foreign language. The aim of this research is... More
This paper investigates recent developments in translation process research (TPR) as an emerging sub-discipline of descriptive translation studies by surveying articles published from 2005–2019 in special issues of eight major translation/linguistic journals. The overall trend in the field is first presented, followed by a systematic analysis of the articles in terms of authorship, regional distribution,... More
This paper explores the integration of Monitor Theory into the design and implementation of Test-Taking Strategy (TTS) instruction tasks. It critically analyzes the landscape of language test-taking strategies, addressing key issues such as the advisability of explicit teaching, methods for identification, and the impact of less beneficial strategies. Advocating for the teaching of test-taking strategies,... More
This article defines team teaching as a teaching approach that utilizes the expertise and instructional capabilities of distinct educators to enrich the process of learning. Team teaching refers to an instructional strategy that involves the collaborative efforts of multiple teachers who jointly plan, deliver, and assess the learning experiences of a group of students. This... More
In responding to the curriculum change in Indonesia to the Merdeka (Freedom) curriculum, the teaching and learning process should emphasize differentiated learning, including English Language Teaching (ELT). Despite the fact the teachers must implement it in their class, little research has examined the teachers' readiness and its affecting factors in implementing differentiated learning. This study... More
The reduplication in the Indo-European languages has been studied quite thoroughly both in connection with the issues of the origin and development of the language, and with the issues of assessing their functional content. Regarding the latter, scientists are more inclined to believe that this is due to the reproduction of child’s or imperfect speech.... More
This paper sought to investigate the challenges that Limpopo Provincial Legislature encounters implement the language policy in a postcolonial Anglophone South Africa. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996, demands that each province should develop its own language policy (The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996). The Limpopo... More
Vowels are a fundamental component of Mandarin Chinese syllables. Accurate pronunciation of Mandarin Chinese relies on the distinct articulation of different vowels, especially the visually similar "ü" and "u". Korean-speaking learners of Chinese Mandarin as a second language commonly exhibit non-standard pronunciation or errors in articulating "ü", leading to confusion, particularly in non-low vowels centered... More
The way that language is learned now needs to be innovative and creative due to changes in educational demands as a result of the unprecedented advancement in technology. Since artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of education to support everyday tasks like teaching and learning languages, this study inspects the Omani EFL learners'... More
Social media (SM) influences social interaction in the age of digital media, impacting how languages develop. Since these networks play a role in daily life, they create new words and conceptual frameworks that define our contemporary society. The current investigation investigates Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit SM posts applying textual extraction. The seven-year temporal sample demonstrates... More
This article aims to understand how Ukrainian expatriates maintain their sense of national identity in light of the ongoing war in their home country. It seeks to identify specific cultural, linguistic, and social practices employed to preserve national identity. Additionally, this study explores the impact of the full-scale invasion on expatriates' national identity and their... More
The purpose of the article is to examine the correlation between language and identity, as well as the influence of English language instruction in Pakistan on Pakistani linguistic identities. While English language learners use a variety of teaching and learning strategies, they also come from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds and have varied learning objectives.... More
Interpreters who are skilled in interpreting science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) content fluently and accurately are few and far between. This issue is particularly true at the post-secondary level. Those interpreters who are available often do not have command of the vocabulary needed to interpret more specialized content and rely heavily on letter-for-letter fingerspelling... More
With the ongoing studies of blended learning in different areas, the study contrasts blended learning with online classes by analyzing pre/post-test scores, grades, and activity scores, indicating blended learning might offer superior outcomes. Additionally, it explores college students' experiences in a blended learning class, providing insights into its effectiveness and areas for improvement. Participants are... More
Recent scientific research has emphasized that reading fluency is an important component of foreign language learning. The long-term goal of foreign language learning is directed towards reading prosody, fluency, and comprehension. The research was conducted among undergraduate students of German studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split from May to the... More
The COVID-19 or Coronavirus health emergency brought about disruptions that highlighted the need to adapt education, especially language education, to secure students' learning process. In this light, new terms, such as Emergency Remote Language Teaching, arose to differentiate 'traditional' online education from what was done in classrooms when schools were closed during the pandemic. Teachers... More
The present study focuses on the phenomena of consonant substitution and strategies for remediation or development for Cantonese primary school students in China. 8 students from the graduating classes of Dongguan Haide Bilingual School were randomly selected as participants, of whom the pronunciation samples were collected after finishing the optional course (fun reading) which lasted... More
In many linguistic studies, many studies have been conducted on the work "Hilyetü'l-insan" and "Halbetü'l-lisan", which was mentioned as Ibn Muhanna's Dictionary, whose real name was revealed when the Istanbul copy was found, and which belongs to Jamaladdin Ibn Muhanna. In the middle of the century, the Persian, Turkic and Mongolian languages gained influence and... More
This study explores the cultural and moral narratives in the contemporary Vietnamese rap song "Nau an cho em" by Den Vau. The research employs a corpus-based linguistic analysis to dissect the song's lyrics, uncovering themes and messages that resonate with broader societal issues in Vietnam. The analysis reveals four key themes: the resilience and hope... More
Developing second language pragmatic competence is crucial because it enables learners to effectively communicate and interact with native speakers of that language. It goes beyond mere grammatical and lexical knowledge, and encompasses the ability to comprehend and produce language in a way that is contextually appropriate and respectful. The quantitative study and group interviews were... More
There are both reasonable and unjustified ideas in the assumptions and theories about the root commonality in languages of different systems. In this work presented to the readers, special attention is paid to the analysis of the right and wrong aspects of those ideas. Because the contradictions themselves are very important to reveal the truth.... More
In linguistics, the study of the characteristics of acquisition of dialects is of particular importance. In particular, the study of dialects based on written and oral literary examples plays an important role for research in this field. Until 1920, Azerbaijani dialects played a fundamental role in the development of the literary language of Azerbaijan. The... More
The paper delves into the complexities of translating metaphors in Chinese satirical literature, emphasizing the cultural and linguistic nuances involved. It highlights the importance of metaphors in expressing satire and the challenges posed by cultural differences between Chinese and English. The paper advocates for a foreignization translation approach to preserve the original's cultural essence and... More
This study explores the performance of machine translation of literary texts from English to Chinese. The study compares two machine translation systems, Bing Translator and Youdao Machine Translation, using selected texts from the novel "Nineteen eighty-four" by George Orwell. The data collection includes the original source texts, their machine-generated translations by Bing Translator and Youdao... More
This study aimed to 1) analyze the information structure of texts concerning facial beauty in Chinese cosmetics advertisements, and 2) examine linguistic strategies employed within the advertisements. Language strategies in 150 Chinese cosmetic product advertisements from Taobao were analyzed, employing critical discourse analysis concepts as proposed by Norman Fairclough and Teun Adrianus van Dijk. By... More
Online education has mainly been at the core of discussions after Latin America's Covid-19 sanitary crisis started in March 2020. Teachers and institutions have explored different ways to face what is now called "the new normal". This study aims to identify the perspectives of Ecuadorian university students on online English language learning in order to... More
This paper explores how people in different parts of Bangladesh talk differently from each other. The study pays special attention to the unique sounds in their dialects compared to the standard Bangla language. The main goal of the research is to understand why these sounds change from one dialect to another. The researchers collected data... More
Social media is becoming a more active and accessible medium for learners all around the world to acquire the English language. A growing body of study is examining how people learn and use language in the digital age, and one such area of study is social media-based English language learning. This systematic review of the... More