This investigation offers an extensive analysis and examination of the linguistic landscape of a nonmetropolitan cityscape, focusing on the linguistic identity and multiple languages used throughout the city. This study fundamentally analyzes the multilingual nature and characteristics of the central district of Zamboanga City. Furthermore, the investigation incorporated analytical categories, adapted from previous studies, which... More
Recent years have witnessed a surge of interest in learners’ Willingness to Communicate (WTC) within the L2 learning environment. This study aims to explore current trends, remarkable subjects, influential authors, sources and interplay of WTC variables in L2 learning from 1985 to 2023. A total of 259 articles were selected through PRISMA for the visualization of... More
This study explores speech recognition characteristics in background noise and music between normal hearing (NH) listeners, hearing aid (HA) users and cochlear implant (CI) users.Sixty individuals participated in the study: 20 with NH, 20 HA users, and 20 CI users. HA and CI users had a Categories of Auditory Performance score of 6 and open set sentence recognition of 85%... More
Studies on attitudes toward Philippine English and American English have been done; however, the attitudes were examined through direct methods like interviews, survey questionnaires, and acceptability tests for the new vocabularies. The present study employs indirect means, such as the Matched-Guised Technique (MGT), to determine the attitude of pre-service and high school ESL teachers toward... More
EFL learners often face difficulties in their writing performance, motivation, and writing anxiety when engaging in the writing process. To address these issues, a Self-regulated Learning Writing Module (SRLWM) was developed to assist EFL learners in their writing tasks. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the SRLWM on the... More
Climate change is a term that takes precedence in the 21st century by humanity due to its negative impacts on the environment in various forms. Similarly, reading is a fundamental skill to grasp information and behave in a more civilised way. Accordingly, online news is the readily available source to be informed about the latest news.... More
The fact that English if clause is too difficult does not entail impossibility for EFL students to master it. In the Thai context, a few have managed to use it correctly despite persistent failure among many. The present study principally aimed to find out how successful Thai EFL students learned to acquire this grammatical structure by... More
The intrarelationship between language and music is an enthralling and intricate interplay that spans various dimensions of human expression. Both language and music are complex forms of communication, and their interaction can be observed in several ways. Words, phrases, and sentences in a language underpin specific meanings and convey information. The structure and choice of... More
Cognitive theorists propose that the cohesion of human cognition directs cognitive functions, including all higher cognitive processes like memory, language, problem-solving, etc., are different manifestations of the same basic system. This postulate is at odds with the mental conception of language acquisition, which assumes the existence of a specific linguistic technique pre-programmed by a universal grammar.... More
Indigenous Zulu music is a reflection of the Zulu people’s cultural and environmental surroundings, incorporating natural sounds and rhythms that highlight their close relationship with nature. This article explores how this music promotes language, culture, and diversity within the Zulu community. Drawing on Cultural Ecology Theory, which underscores the link between culture and the environment,... More
The purpose of this study was to analyze the socio-cultural factors affecting reading comprehension levels of first-year college students from Basilan State College. This study also analyzed their level of grammatical competence. Stratified random sampling was carried out to sample 464 first-year college students from the college. The mixed method allowed the gathering of quantitative... More
Although the use of African languages as Languages of Teaching and Learning (LoTLs) at various academic levels and in various fields of knowledge has been gaining momentum, it is yet to be effectively implemented in some South African universities. Failure to implement the use of African languages as LoTLs has often been attributed to their... More
Culture has become an indispensable element in foreign language teaching. This paper intends to systematically review the existing research on culture teaching or integrating culture in foreign language teaching. 30 studies in the field of culture teaching and learning published in the last five years were reviewed systematically. The review followed the PRISMA Statement’s guidelines,... More
This study aims to determine the most effective method of using authentic materials to improve the foreign language competence of non-native speakers. The research employed pre-testing and post-testing methods and a comparative analysis of the results of control exams to determine the differential impact on the experimental environment. The study found that educational programs that balance... More
Artificial intelligence is beginning to spread to all fields of science, and philology, linguistics and literature are no exception. This intersection of technology and the humanities opens a new era of linguistic and literary analysis. The relevance lies in the fact that artificial intelligence offers innovative ways of understanding and interpreting texts. Linguistic analysis of... More
English language teaching (ELT) in the context of Indonesian Islamic higher education has been particular and little known. The spirit of interconnecting ELT and Islamic tradition has given birth to the concept of dual tasks suggesting the practitioners to teach English and preach Islam. The practitioners are faced with strategic efforts to contextualize Islamic traditions... More
This study explores Omani undergraduate students’ employment readiness, job preferences, and the impact of English language proficiency, within the framework of Oman Vision 2040. Through qualitative analysis of interviews with 43 first-year students, seven themes emerged: occupational preferences, influences on career choices, technology-centric careers, preference for government versus private sector jobs, English proficiency as a prerequisite... More
This study aims to investigate the perspectives and implementation of differentiated learner-centered strategies by 96 English teacher trainers and trainees in Rwanda, employing surveys and semi-structured interviews as data collection tools over one year. The findings reveal positive attitudes toward differentiated instruction but underscore the need for a more nuanced understanding of its practical application.... More
Academic training’s language delivery approach has a big impact on learning, just as the speaker's emotional bond with the audience has a big impact on how long and how well the learning process lasts. The subject matter and targeted learning results will determine the speaker’s style, which can vary from professional to informal. However, the... More
The purpose of this study was to assess the grammar competence and English academic performance of first-year college students in Basilan State College. Stratified random sampling (n = 464) was carried out to sample the participants from each college within the institution. A standard grammatical test was used to assess the grammar skills of the participants. English... More
This research analyses how age and gender may influence the self-perception of prospective secondary school teachers regarding their digital competence in teaching. Testing students’ self-perception can be a starting point for implementing programmes to improve this competence. To this end, the author presents the results of a didactic experience carried out within the framework of the subject Didactics... More
This study presents a novel approach to syllabification and syllable structure in Jordanian Ammani Arabic (JAA), addressing challenges posed by complex syllable patterns and codas. We show that sonority principles alone, as suggested by earlier research, cannot account for syllable structure in JAA. We introduce a new constraint, the Coda Cluster Requirement (CodaReq), which governs... More
This study investigates the themes that discursively construct the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya’s newspaper headlines, specifically focusing on their role in structuring communication related to the COVID-19 pandemic. While prior research has examined news discourse in various contexts, thematic analysis in Kenya’s news reporting has received limited attention. The study examines 59 COVID-19-related headlines drawn... More
In the current era marked by rapid digitalization and globalization, crowdsourced translation platforms have emerged as key players in the global translation market, prized for their flexibility and efficiency. This new model of translation services not only provides a means to address large-scale translation demands but also introduces challenges and shifts in conventional translation workflows.... More
The purpose of this study was to examine how faculty members at public higher education institutions (HEIs) in Sulu utilized different instructional methods and educational technologies during the 2023–2024 academic year. This study also analyzed the perceptions of the faculty members about the use of technology in English language teachings. Quota sampling was carried out... More
With the development of technologies and pedagogies, the multimodality of language education is becoming increasingly important, especially in the context of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through advanced multimodal theories and media, teachers could integrate multiple sensory and communicative modes in language teaching. This study uses bibliometric analysis to explore the multimodality in language... More
This article investigates the ways in which language is employed in the construction of social power in selected institutional discourses. Speech acts theory and Fairclough’s concept of language and power serve as the study’s theoretical anchor. Data were generated through (non)participant observations in a five-year fieldwork to examine the peculiarities in instantiating social power using... More
The research deals with identifying the cognitive mechanisms used in cases of applying inversion and revealing its interaction with cognitive structures. The research employed methods of comparative, stylistic, and psycholinguistic analysis. The instruments were tested for reliability and validity using Cronbach’s alpha. Standard methods of mathematical statistics were also used. Inversion is a powerful rhetorical... More
Indirect passive sentences, especially those with intransitive verb predicates, are complicated for Japanese language (JL) learners in Indonesia to understand because they cannot be combined into Indonesian language (IL) passive sentences. Contrastive research between passive JL and Sundanese language (SL) is one effort to overcome this problem because most JL learners in West Java speak SL as their... More
This qualitative case study investigates factors that (re)shape the professional identities of Saudi female English language teachers and examines how the length of their teaching experience influences their pedagogical approach. This study used a triangulation approach to collect data from five Saudi female EFL teachers and applied thematic analysis for data analysis. Results indicate that... More
This study investigates the processes of compounding and conversion in Albanian, two major types of word formation alongside derivation. Unlike derivation, which has been extensively studied in Albanian linguistics, conversion and compounding have not received adequate theoretical attention. conversion is often conflated with derivation, lacking a distinct theoretical framework that recognizes its full potential for... More
Religious elements belong to effective and expressive creative means and are often used on web portals in advertising. On the one hand, they attract attention and contribute to the aesthetics of advertising. On the other hand, they fulfill different functions analyzed media-semantically in this paper. Experts in educational and linguistic sciences warn that incomplete media-semantic... More
Many educational institutions globally have adopted the motto of technology-enriched education. Among others, e-books have come to the forefront with technological developments. Accordingly, e-book apps have gained increasing popularity due to their numerous advantages. Although many studies have been conducted on e-book platforms’ effectiveness on a global scale, Raz-Kid’s influence on students’ macro and micro-skill... More
Problem-based learning approach’s popularity has grown tremendously in Academic Writing courses throughout the world. The rationale for this rise is that students are driven to pinpoint problematic situations, brainstorm, and find a lasting solution collaboratively, thereby sharpening 21st-century skills, such as writing literacy, problem solving, and critical thinking. Although a growing number of studies are prevalent on... More
This research analyzed code-switching used during interpersonal communication events between Indonesian and Japanese native speakers who understand both languages. This sociolinguistic analysis examines the phenomenon of code-switching based on socio-cultural and socio-situational. In this study, the data were collected using questionnaires and interviews. Findings have found that several factors underlie code-switching in interpersonal communication: the... More
Learning English has increased its popularity exponentially thanks to global needs in numerous fields. Accordingly, various means of instruction have been adopted to master English. English-only instruction, the alternative to code-switching, is one of them that urges educators and learners to communicate through English. Although many studies have examined the effectiveness of English-only instruction, a... More
College undergraduates in China are still generally weak in their abilities to speak English even after years of education. Teachers need suitable instructional materials and effective teaching methods to enhance the undergraduates’ speaking abilities. This study employs a mixed-method design to develop a module to help English as a Foreign Language (EFL) college undergraduates in... More
This study investigates the effectiveness of Augmented Reality (AR) in enhancing word recognition among participants at the frustration level. Adopting a one-group pre-test-post-test design, the research involved 223 Grade 7 and Grade 8 learners from a public secondary school in the Philippines. The intervention utilized AR-powered reading books to immerse them in interactive and visually... More
The sobering realization of the critical thinking and the difficulty in the language comprehension, specifically in English language piques the researcher's interest in learning more about the experiences of tertiary students majoring in English language studies at other public HEIs in Sulu. This study sought to investigate the significant difference in the extent of critical... More
The aim of the study is an analytical comparison of the use of inversion (anaphora, epiphora, repetition, negation) and other expressive syntax figures as means of expressiveness in fiction texts. The research employed such methods as content analysis of fiction, linguistic analysis, and comparative analysis of translations. Inversion is the most common figure of expressive... More
Previous studies have demonstrated that language acquisition is connected to cognitive development. In this line, several works have found that Theory of Mind (ToM) influenced the acquisition of evidentiality across languages. Thus, the previous works trigger the question about the connection between language experience and developing cognitive processes such as ToM. The current investigation is... More
This study aims to investigate the impact of the online peer-review technique (OPRT) on Facebook on enhancing the paragraph writing skills of English major students at Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia. Further, the study delves into the emotional and psychological dimensions of the learning experience, shedding light on students’ anxiety and emotional state regarding online peer-review feedback.... More
This study explores the intricate balance between source and target cultures in the translation of the classic Chinese novel, “Dream of the Red Chamber,” focusing on the concept of equivalence in translation. By examining two distinct yet far-reaching translations of this seminal work by David Hawkes and Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang, this paper highlights the challenges and strategies translators... More
Many studies have employed corpus linguistics methodologies to gain insights into L2 learning and teaching. While these studies have contributed to a comprehensive theoretical understanding of corpus use in L2 instruction, particularly in vocabulary learning, there remains a gap in practical application, especially within the context of English as a Foreign/Second Language (EFL/ESL). Therefore, this paper empirically examined the effectiveness of using the corpus approach for... More
This study is devoted to analysing the presupposition of proper names, which is interpreted as a guess or implicit assumption in the semantic and functional aspects in the context of the horror genre, in particular, the story “The Lurking Fear” by Howard Phillips Lovecraft. The purpose of the article is to identify the trigger functions... More
Recursive grammar is the sole cognitive mechanism unique to human languages. This study investigates three aspects of the acquisition of the recursive possessive marker de by Mandarin-speaking children: the feasibility of recursive possessive (RP) levels, performance in both cognition and competence, and the age at which these abilities emerge. Following a development theory of recursive possessives... More
The motivation of instructors has been found to have a significant impact on students' enthusiasm to learn a second language, but less attention has been paid to the motivation of English Foreign Language (EFL) teachers, especially in the Chinese environment where English plays a significant role. In order to lay the groundwork for the formulation... More
This bibliometric analysis maps patterns in the literature on English language teaching (ELT) in Arab countries from 2000 to 2024. and provides a quantitative mapping of the research status, trends, and developmental trajectories in this domain. A total of 512 journal articles were analyzed using scientometric techniques. Data across social science, arts, and humanities publications... More
Alongside the increasing concern of the Korean state in preparing for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) era, Korean national (English language) curricula are being reconstructed to educate students about criticality, creativity, communication, and collaboration. Problem-based learning (PBL) is one of the effective pedagogical approaches to facilitate these competencies alongside different disciplines including English language competency.... More
One of the characteristics of the Arabic language is the ability to expand meaning. The study aimed to investigate the expansion of meaning and its most common methods in the Holy Qur’an and to reveal their effect on interpretation. The Qur’an was extrapolated entirely in search of expansion methods. Then the effect of this expansion... More
The aim of the study is to investigate the quality of neural machine translation (NMT) and that of large language models (LLMs). The research team uses Google Translate and ChatGPT in the translation of various selected scientific texts. They provide an evaluation of the translation outputs. Both an error analysis and human evaluation are provided... More