Inspired by Gongsun Longzi's "form-naming" idea about word meaning, this paper argues that 1) the internal lexicon contains only the list of word-meaning pairs, with no additional information either as part of word meaning or as a structural level above it; 2) the meaning of word is a minimal C-Form, the identifying conceptual meaning that... More
With the rise of experimental philosophy in the twenty-first century, the past two decades have witnessed the experimental turn in the field of philosophy of language. We delineate in this paper the experimental turn in philosophy of language before distinguishing armchair theorizing from empirical testing and highlighting the complementarity between the two approaches, and then... More
Though many researchers have studied "N1Adv shi N2" and "S bi N1 hai N2" constructions, none of them have done some research on the correlation between them. In view of it, this thesis analyzes the syntactic coercion of the construction "N1Adv shi N2" on the construction “S bi N1 hai N2" from the perspective of the Cognitive Construction Grammar. The findings are: the latter inherits from... More
Negative answers are common types of responsive expressions to English wh-questions. From the theoretical perspective of Embodied-Cognitive Linguistics (Wang, 2014) and the dialogic view on meaning construction, this study takes English wh-dialogues with negative answers as the research object and regards such dialogues as a special group of dialogic constructions in conversation. This paper gives... More
This article engages with several recent books about language and literature, with a general focus on the early modern period in Europe. One of these books discusses language study in early modern England. Another examines the histories of words relating to 'ingenuity'. The third provides a theoretical look at the aphorism with a wide historical... More
Different from traditional discourse analysis, multimodal discourse analysis (MDA), a systematic analysis of different semiotic modes, utilizing language, images, sounds in a discourse, emphasizes the coordination of both dynamic and static semiotic resources. This study presents the status quo and development trend of the research field through an objective, systematic, and comprehensive review of relevant... More
Despite the fact that threatening in languages is common in ordinary verbal communication, it has not received much attention from academic studies because of its "negative" nature. Muschalik's monograph Threatening in English: A Mixed Method Approach, mainly based on the theory of Face Threatening Speech Act by Brown and Levinson (1987), takes 301 categories of... More