Analysis of Endophoric Reference in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland
Article ID: 6752 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6752
562 (Abstract)
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This study explores the references in Lewis Carroll's ‘Alice in Wonderland,' using Halliday and Hasan's method of cohesion analysis. Specifically, the present study aims to extract the story's endophoric references (anaphoric and cataphoric) as used by the main character, Alice. By using a qualitative approach, through reading and analyzing the data of Alice’s utterances, it... More
The Argument of the Matrix Verb Seems in Spec T: The Raised DP or the Given DP
Article ID: 6840 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6840
232 (Abstract)
210 (Download)
Generative linguists claim that the argument of the matrix verb as in Mary seemed to be innocent is the DP (determine phrase), which is the raised argument of the to-infinitive clause being raised to be landed in the Spec T. However, the current study argues that the DP argument as the subject of the matrix... More
Influence of Gender-Marked Kazakh Proverbs on the Content of Cultural Stereotypes
Gulnara Mustagaliyeva, Akhmaral Khairzhanova
, Rita Bissenbayeva
, Laura Muratova
, Assel Maratova
, Kulpash Koptleuova
Article ID: 6833 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6833
202 (Abstract)
199 (Download)
The purpose of the research is to analyze the content of the concept of "man" - "woman" based on Kazakh proverbs. The study of the concepts "man" and "woman" allows us to approach the study of gender as a cultural representation and reveal all its many-sided content, namely social, psychological, and cultural aspects. The analysis... More
Digital Echoes: Crafting Chinese EFL Teacher Identity in the Era of AI-Enhanced Instruction—A Qualitative Exploration
Article ID: 6864 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6864
405 (Abstract)
257 (Download)
This study examines the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) integration on the professional identities of Chinese tertiary English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers. It explores how these educators perceive and adapt to the incorporation of AI tools into their teaching practices, focusing on both the opportunities and challenges encountered. Through qualitative analysis of semi-structured... More
The Creation of Concordance as an Effective Tool for Studying the Text: On the Example of A. Baitursynov’s Concordance
Gulnur Baishukurova, Akerke Irgebayeva
, Nurlykhan Aitova
, Dariga Kapassova
, Samal Serikova
, Dana Ospanova
Article ID: 6856 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6856
237 (Abstract)
137 (Download)
The active use of modern computer technologies in philology has led to the intensive development of corpus linguistics. A promising direction in this area is the development of national language corpora and the construction of concordances of various types, differing in the forms of presentation of the material, search capabilities, and technical functions. This research... More
Semantic Valence and Cultural Representation of Phraseological Units (Kazakh and English)
Article ID: 6865 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6865
223 (Abstract)
157 (Download)
The rules for the compatibility of idiomatic units in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers are a particular problem that is related to the formation and evolution of the language norm. It is still unknown what is the catalyst for the transformation of language norms — usage or the laws and rules of the language.... More
The Dual Status of Judeo-Georgian
Article ID: 6732 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6732
158 (Abstract)
85 (Download)
The purpose of this paper is to show the dual nature of the status of Judeo-Georgian based on its studies, theories, and methods adopted from variationist sociolinguistics, distinctive linguistic repertoire approach to Jewish languages, using descriptive/synchronic, diachronic, and comparative-contrastive methods. Based on the traditional studies in Georgia in the twentieth century, Judeo-Georgian was considered one... More
The Implication of DMIP on the Translation of Deliberate Metaphors in The Last Quarter of the Moon
Article ID: 6884 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6884
168 (Abstract)
93 (Download)
Our paper argues that DMIP is not only a method for identifying potentially deliberate metaphors but also a process of deconstructing a metaphor by tracing back its mapping relations. We employ DMIP to identify the deliberate metaphors in the translation process of The Last Quarter of the Moon and compare the identification results to evaluate the... More
Influence of Eponymous Terms in the Everyday Language of Ecuadorian University Teachers: A Qualitative Analysis
Article ID: 6946 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6946
365 (Abstract)
189 (Download)
The study investigated the manifestation and evolution of eponymic terms in the everyday language of Ecuadorian university teachers, considering historical, cultural and linguistic factors. It was analysed how the phenomenon of eponymy manifests itself in the everyday language of university professors and conceptualized its training and evolution. Interviews were conducted with 25 teachers. Bibliographic material... More
Semantic Analysis of the Linguistic Heritage of the Golden Horde Period: Based on the Material of “Gulistan Bit-Turki” by Seif Sarai and “Khosrov and Shirin” by Qutb
Ainur Seitbekova, Gulfar Mamyrbek, Myrzabergen Malbakov, Assel Seidamat, Temirlan Zhorabay116-130
Article ID: 7175 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7175
174 (Abstract)
101 (Download)
The aim of this study is to examine the written monuments from the Golden Horde period and contemporary literary works, focusing on the frequency of use, functionality, and stylistic features of both indigenous and borrowed vocabulary within literary texts. The lexical units were analyzed using methods such as linguistic-statistical, contextual, historical-comparative, semantic, and contextual analysis.... More
A Gold Standard Dataset for Javanese Tokenization, POS Tagging, Morphological Feature Tagging, and Dependency Parsing
Article ID: 6957 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6957
141 (Abstract)
80 (Download)
Javanese, a regional language in Indonesia with more than 68 million speakers, is a low-resource language in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) field because it needs more language resources in both dataset and NLP tools. In this work, we developed a gold standard dataset of 1,000 sentences and 14,323 words for Javanese for four NLP... More
Exploring Collective Identity and Community Connections: An Interpersonal Analysis of Online Visitor Reviews at the Overseas Chinese Museum (2012–2023)
Article ID: 6952 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6952
169 (Abstract)
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The Overseas Chinese Museum in Xiamen, Fujian, is a cultural historical museum in China that promotes heritage tourism and strengthens the community connection among the overseas Chinese diaspora, international and local visitors. The museum has become a platform for interpreting the immigration experience of overseas Chinese communities around the world. In this study, we examine... More
Utilising Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Vocabulary Learning by EFL Omani Students: The Effect of Age, Gender, and Level of Study
Article ID: 6968 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6968
529 (Abstract)
219 (Download)
AI tools have enabled FLLs to navigate their journeys of learning languages. This poses several questions, particularly about the most common AI tools used in learning vocabulary and the attitudes of EFL Omani students toward using AI tools in learning English. A mixed-method research design was utilised, and the sampling included 236 respondents studying in... More
Exploring Heterogeneity of International Students’ Racial and Native/Non-Native Language Backgrounds in Learning Engagement, Cultural Adjustment, Social Connections from QuantCrit Perspective
Article ID: 6904 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6904
127 (Abstract)
62 (Download)
The academic engagement of international students is intricately linked to their diverse social and cultural adjustments in the host culture. However, these aspects have often been investigated from a homogeneous point of view. This study explores the interpersonal characteristics of students from different racial groups and native/ non-native language backgrounds in learning engagement, cultural adjustment, social media... More
Is It True That More Than Half of Web Contents Are in English? Not If Multilingualism Is Paid Due Attention!
Article ID: 7144 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7144
127 (Abstract)
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The belief that English is and will remain largely dominant as the first language of the Internet in terms of content and is the natural lingua franca in cyberspace plays against the mobilization of human and funding resources to incorporate minority languages. We sustain that this belief stands on biased data and that multilingualism is... More
Exploring the Importance of Traditional Schools in Maintaining the Heritage Language: A Study of Tshivenḓa from Tshimbupfhe, South Africa
Article ID: 7156 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7156
224 (Abstract)
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This study aimed to explore the critical role of traditional schools—specifically murundu and vhusha—in preserving the Tshivenḓa language and cultural heritage in Tshimbupfhe, in the Limpopo Province, South Africa. Traditional schools play a significant role in preserving languages and cultural traditions that might otherwise be at risk of erosion due to globalisation, modernisation, or cultural assimilation. A... More
Impact of Augmented Reality-Based Learning on Preparing Children for Creative Reading Skills in Childhood Education Stage
Article ID: 7161 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7161
151 (Abstract)
82 (Download)
This study investigated the impact of augmented reality (AR)-based learning on developing creative reading skills in early childhood education. Using validated instruments, including an AR-based learning guide, and a creative reading skills test, the study involved 254 primary school children from northern Jordan. The sample of the study was divided into an experimental group of 127... More
The Impact of Linguistic Identity on the Perception of Abai’s Poetry
Article ID: 6879 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6879
192 (Abstract)
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This scientific article explores the complexities and prospects of creating a poetic corpus of Abai Kunanbayev. The project's primary objective is to digitize and annotate Abai's poetry, addressing challenges such as accessibility to diverse sources, linguistic barriers, technical issues, and cultural interpretations. The article discusses the methods used in digitizing and annotating Abai's poetry, including... More
The Impact of Native and Foreign Languages on the Linguistic Identity Formation of Kazakhstani Youth
Article ID: 6878 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6878
126 (Abstract)
82 (Download)
This article delves into the influence of native and foreign languages on the linguistic identity of Kazakhstani youth. The primary focus is on analyzing the perception and utilization of languages among young people in Kazakhstan, exploring how these factors impact their self-identification and cultural affiliation. To gather comprehensive empirical data, an extensive experiment was conducted... More
Dubbing Religious References from English into Arabic: A Case Study of The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Hercules
Article ID: 7162 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7162
175 (Abstract)
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Dubbing religious references between two incongruent cultures may be considered one of the most complicated tasks due to the use of complex and specialized religion-specific concepts. This especially so when dealing with English and Arabic because the two religions of Christianity and Islam, being divine religions, may converge and diverge on several concepts, whether partially... More
Causative Construction in Hail Arabic: A Minimalist Account
Article ID: 7199 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7199
165 (Abstract)
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Natural language marks causation by variable means which fall into three categories: (i) periphrastic, (ii) lexical, and (iii) morphological. In this study, the researcher utilizes Minimalist Program (MP) to analyze causative construction in Hail Arabic (HA), a spoken dialect in Saudi Arabia. According to our findings, HA exhibits the three types of causation: morphological, lexical,... More
Digital Learning Environment in Training Future Kazakhstani English Teachers
Article ID: 7039 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7039
172 (Abstract)
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This research explores the integration of digital learning environments in the training of future English teachers in Kazakhstan. As the demand for innovative pedagogical strategies increases and technology becomes more prominent in education, it is important to examine how digital tools and platforms can improve the preparation of English teachers. Using a mixed-methods approach, including... More
Ethnolinguistics as a Tool for Studying the Cultural Heritage of the World’s Peoples
Article ID: 6830 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6830
325 (Abstract)
162 (Download)
The article shows that the links between linguistic and cultural phenomena, the collaboration of ethnocultural and ethnopsychological aspects in the functioning of language can be clarified by the examples of idioms in different languages. The aim is to specify a theoretical justification of ethnolinguistic manifestations in language in different... More
ArticleCultural Constraints in Subtitling and Dubbing Arabic Series into English: A Case Study of the Saudi Series “Alkhallat”
Article ID: 6862 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6862
112 (Abstract)
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Dubbing and subtitling foreign movies, series, and other audiovisual products have flourished since the invasion of the screens; hence, the translation task between languages and cultures became integral to cope with this vast expansion. The different cultural and religious backgrounds of Arabic and English-speaking cultures complicate the translation of Arabic television series. Therefore, translators should... More
ReviewResponsible and Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence in Language Education: A Systematic Review
Nurkhamimi Zainuddin, Nur Azlin Suhaimi, Mohammad Najib Jaffar, Norita Md Norwawi, Muhammad Sabri Sahrir, Wan Ab Aziz Wan Daud, Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani
Article ID: 7092 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7092
320 (Abstract)
214 (Download)
A plethora of publications have shed light, particularly on the affordances of artificial intelligence (AI) in language education, garnering significant attention, promising transformative impacts on teaching and learning practices. However, the rapid adoption of AI tools has raised ethical concerns regarding data privacy, bias and academic integrity. in response to these concerns, this systematic review... More
ArticleEnhancing Language and Linguistic Proficiency Through Project-Based Learning: A Study from South India
Article ID: 7141 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7141
174 (Abstract)
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Mastering language and linguistics, the foundations of human expression and understanding, is being revolutionized through project-based learning, enabling individuals to unlock their full potential in communication, cultural insight, and global connection. Although the significance of project-based learning (PBL) is increasing in the contemporary scenario, the prominence given to this mode of study is comparatively negligible.... More
ArticleReading Assessment Literacy: Investigating Knowledge, Skills, and Conceptions of Chinese Junior High School EFL Teachers
Article ID: 6841 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6841
113 (Abstract)
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Although assessment plays a critical role in English reading teaching, studies exploring teachers’ reading assessment literacy are comparatively rare. This study investigated 199 Chinese junior high school EFL teachers’ knowledge, skills, and conceptions of reading assessment through a questionnaire, which was validated through structural equation modeling (SEM). Results showed that the teachers reported pertinent knowledge,... More
ArticleDiscourse Analysis on the Ethical Dilemmas on the Use of AI in Academic Settings from ICT, Science, and Language Instructors
Jason V. Chavez, Jhordan T. Cuilan, Sali S. Mannan, Narrin U. Ibrahim, Aisha A. Carolino, Abubakar Radjuni, Salman E. Albani, Benigno A. Garil
Article ID: 6765 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6765
524 (Abstract)
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Artificial intelligence (AI) in education has the potential to revolutionize learning by addressing significant challenges and accelerating progress. Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, has demonstrated the ability to produce high-quality text and other content, potentially transforming academic tasks like essay writing. Despite these advantages, educators are concerned about the ethical implications of AI use. Risks... More
ArticleFixedness as a Criterion for the Idiomaticity of Nominal Compounds
Article ID: 6993 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6993
99 (Abstract)
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Many studies have argued that idiomaticity judgment should be based on multiple aspects, including both semantic and formal fixedness, also known as inflexibility. However, the results delimiting idiomaticity are far from scarce. Although the validity of the notion of fixedness has been challenged, the fixedness of fixed expressions and collocations are still considered of the... More
ArticleExamining Translators’ Experiences in Translating Grade 4 Geography Concepts from English to Tshivenḓa
Article ID: 7007 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7007
111 (Abstract)
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Translation of educational materials from English into indigenous African languages such as Tshivenḓa presents significant challenges, particularly concerning non-equivalence and cultural disparities. This qualitative study examines translators’ experiences in translating Grade 4 Geography concepts from English to Tshivenḓa. Anchored by Skopos theory and the scan and balance framework, the research adopts an interpretivist paradigm and... More
ArticleExploring the Efficacy of the Production-Oriented Approach in Improving English Interpreting Skills—A Case Study
Article ID: 7113 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7113
95 (Abstract)
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The demand for efficient English interpreters have been on a constant rise in the rapid evaluation of globalization—the skilled interpreters are a prerequisite for international interactions across diplomatic, business, and cultural domains. The traditional models in practice to train the interpreters are based on theoretical knowledge with less emphasis on practical skills required for effective... More
ArticleInternational Students’ Engagement in Learning Languages Other Than English (LOTE) at an EMI University in Kazakhstan
Article ID: 6990 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6990
224 (Abstract)
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In the context of the increasing internationalization of higher education, understanding how to effectively engage international students is crucial. Previous research mainly examined students’ motivation from various theoretical perspectives but none of the published studies specifically focused on international students’ engagement in learning Kazakh as a language other than English (LOTE). Thus, the aim of... More
ArticleFlow, Stagnation, and Renewal: Understanding the Symbolic Dimensions of Water in Anuradha Roy’s ‘An Atlas of Impossible Longing’
Article ID: 7158 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7158
127 (Abstract)
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Water is one of nature's gifts to the earth, carrying a multitude of meanings and interpretations based on its context. Water in literature is studied from a variety of theoretical perspectives due to its rich symbolism and different narrative roles. This paper aims to explore Indian writer Anuradha Roy’s novel, "An Atlas of Impossible Longing,"... More
ArticleDiscourse Analysis of Conflict and Resolution in History Textbooks: Representations of the Referendum in Indonesia
Arif Saefudin, Susilo Setyo Utomo, Malkisedek Taneo, I Made Ratih Rosanawati, Loso Judijanto, Ulyan Nasri, Muhammad Zulkifli Amin, Sudarto, Siti Andini
Article ID: 7115 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7115
468 (Abstract)
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This study explores how Indonesian history textbooks represent conflict and its resolution with a focus on the theme of East Timor. The research applies the methodology of Historical Discourse Analysis, examining various elements of representation, including nomination, predication, argumentation, perspective, and intensification. The primary objects of study are two Indonesian history textbooks that are currently... More
ArticleDemystifying Diphthong Adaptation Patterns within English Loanwords in Iraqi Arabic: An Optimality-Theoretic Analysis
Article ID: 7192 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7192
88 (Abstract)
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This paper aimed to provide an explanatory account of the phonological adaptation patterns of diphthongs within English loanwords in Iraqi Arabic (IA). The Optimality-Theoretic framework was employed to identify the phonological constraints imposed on 346 English loanwords in IA and then examine the interaction and ranking of those constraints. Results revealed that five phonological constraints... More
ArticlePeriodization of the Armenian Language in Connection with the History of Its Native Speakers
Vagharshak Madoyan461-470
Article ID: 6944 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6944
68 (Abstract)
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Modern linguistics interprets the concept of language development as the development of its grammatical factors and lexical composition, which is actually characteristic of its literary version. The concept of language development in its dialects, which is studied in the courses of dialectology and historical dialectology, is interpreted as "gradual and consistent changes" occurring in dialects,... More
ArticleA Study on the Impact of Instruction Language on Academic Achievement in Higher Education
Article ID: 7049 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7049
141 (Abstract)
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The impact of the language of instruction on academic achievement is a critical issue, particularly in multilingual settings. This study investigates how using French as the medium of instruction affects the academic performance of first-year physics and chemistry students at Moroccan universities. The research, conducted at Mohamed I and Abdelmalek Essaadi Universities, involved 365 students... More
ArticleResearch Article Abstracts in Management Sciences Written by Thai EFL Scholars: An Analysis of Rhetorical Moves, Verb Tenses and Voices
Article ID: 6955 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6955
74 (Abstract)
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Research article (RA) abstracts play a critical role in disseminating research findings, particularly challenging for non-native English speakers. While prior studies have explored the move analysis of RA abstracts across various subjects, the management sciences—a globally prominent field—have received less attention. This study addresses this gap by examining the rhetorical move patterns, verb tense usage,... More
ArticleA Study of Bilingual Development of Subject Realization of a Mandarin-English Bilingual Preschool Child from China to Australia
Qiang Guo, Ruying Qi, Dacheng Zhao494-505
Article ID: 6941 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6941
91 (Abstract)
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This article traces the developmental trajectory of bilingual subject realization of a Mandarin-English bilingual child from China to Australia from age 3;04 to 5;05. There is an assumption that age 3 is the dividing line between Bilingual First Language Acquisition (BFLA) and Early Second Language Acquisition (ESLA). Determining similarities and differences between them is of great... More
ArticleCognitive-Linguistic Status of Ethical Knowledge and Ways of Its Representation
Klara Abisheva, Marzhan Akosheva
, Nurzhan Kulumzhanov
, Batzhamal Abilova
, Bulat Ayapbergenov
, Almas Nurmanov
Article ID: 6918 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6918
178 (Abstract)
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The article is devoted to the study of the cognitive nature of ethical knowledge, its essence and substantive contours. There is no classification of ethical knowledge in science, so the formats of its representation and its types have not been determined. The aim of the article is to identify the cognitive foundations of morality, its... More
ArticleA Sociopragmatic Study of Saudi Arabic Address Terms: Implications for Cross-Cultural Communication
Article ID: 7031 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7031
158 (Abstract)
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Many studies have investigated terms of address, primarily focusing on Western languages. However, few studies have explored this topic in varieties of the Arabic language. This study examines the use of terms of address in Saudi Arabic, investigating the terms used by Saudi men and women, the effect of the addressees’ age and gender on... More
ArticleAI-Powered Applications for Improving EFL Students’ Speaking Proficiency in Higher Education
Article ID: 6966 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6966
416 (Abstract)
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As Artificial Intelligence systems increasingly dominate various sectors in this technology-driven era, educational institutions are eager to integrate innovative tools and applications into the teaching and learning experience to enhance students' abilities, performance, skills and achievements. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of utilizing Google Assistant, an AI-based app, in improving students’ English speaking... More
ArticleFostering Early English Education in Saudi Arabia: A Pathway to Achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in Education
Abeer Alharbi, Najwa Almazroei
, Reema Alfaleh
, Sultana Alsubaie
, Munirah Almutairi
, Yasmin Alruwibkh
Article ID: 7107 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7107
211 (Abstract)
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English language education has become increasingly vital in non-English-speaking countries, driven by globalization and the demands of the international economy. In Saudi Arabia, enhancing English proficiency is one of the most important aspects of educational reform emphasized by Vision 2030. This study examines the perceptions of 420 kindergarten and elementary school teachers, Saudi Arabia, regarding... More
ArticleCognitive-Functional Approaches to Transgender Language: Understanding Gender through Mental Representations
Article ID: 7022 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7022
164 (Abstract)
84 (Download)
This study employs cognitive-functional linguistic approaches to examine the mental representations of gender in contemporary transgender literature. By analysing a corpus of transgender narratives, we investigate how cognitive mechanisms such as conceptual metaphors, image schemas, and categorisation processes contribute to the linguistic construction and expression of gender identity. Our findings reveal prevalent conceptual metaphors like... More
ArticleThe Postmodern Transformation of Language through Social Media, Memes, Emojis, and GIFs: A Study Among Selected North Indian University Students
Article ID: 7057 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7057
232 (Abstract)
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This study explores how digital communication technologies—a consequence of late capitalism—have changed language usage. The study looks at how GIFs, memes, emojis, and social media language have evolved and how postmodern cultural logic is embodied in these forms of communication. Based on Fredric Jameson's theory that postmodernism is the cultural logic of late capitalism, the... More
ReviewShedding Light on the Neurocognitive Explorations of Interpreting: What Do We Know from Brain-Based Research?
Article ID: 7013 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7013
96 (Abstract)
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Interpreting is highly complex and cognitively demanding, arousing interest from the neuroimaging community. In the past three decades, dozens of investigations have been done to figure out how one language transfers into another in the brain. This article reviews the published studies concerning interpreting, shedding light on interpreting asymmetry effect, the neural plasticity and the... More
ArticleMotivation, Learning Styles and Strategies in English Language among First-Year College Students in Public HEI’s in Sulu
Article ID: 6772 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6772
398 (Abstract)
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English, as the most frequently spoken second language, and sometimes referred to as the global lingua franca, acts as a bridge for communication across cultures and nations. Learning English is a strong tool that allows people to fully participate in the global society by encouraging understanding, collaboration, and personal growth. This descriptive-comparative paper analyzed the motivation,... More
ReviewEvaluating the Effectiveness of Interactive M-Learning in Fostering EFL Vocabulary for Enhanced Speaking Proficiency
Article ID: 7068 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7068
104 (Abstract)
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This study aims to assess the impact of interactive vocabulary learning via WhatsApp on the speaking proficiency of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners in Saudi Arabia. Drawing on Krashen’s input Hypothesis and Cognitive Theories of Multimedia Learning, the research employs a quantitative approach involving sixty EFL learners from an English language foundation program.... More
ArticleExploring the Cognitive Processes of Preparation for a Spelling Bee Game to Enhance Vocabulary Learning in a Foreign Language
Article ID: 7067 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7067
135 (Abstract)
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This study investigates the cognitive processes associated with preparation for a spelling bee game to enhance vocabulary learning in a foreign language. It draws upon the Information Processing Theory, which involves attention, perception, and memory processes. During their freshman year of college in the Department of English, a group of 30 Saudi learners, at the... More
ArticleThe Problems of Translating Classical Arabic Embedded in Saudi Novels from a Cultural Perspective
Article ID: 7043 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7043
121 (Abstract)
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This essay examines the problematic issues that arise when translating classical Arabic language embedded in contemporary Saudi literature, with a particular emphasis on Girls of Riyadh a modern Saudi novel written .The premise of the present study is that classical Arabic has undergone semantic change through pejoration amelioration, through which their original meanings have been either... More
ArticleA Mathematical and Statistical Approach to Explore the Downtrend Properties in Chokri
Article ID: 6981 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6981
104 (Abstract)
52 (Download)
This paper explores f0 downtrend processes in Chokri, a Tibeto-Burman language spoken in Nagaland, India. Chokri manifests five lexical tones, comprising four level tones- extra high (EH), high (H), mid (M), low (L), and one contour tone- mid-rising (MR). This study encompasses three distinct downtrend phenomena: temporal declination, final lowering, and automatic downstep. Three complementary... More
ArticleCommanding and Requesting: Teachers’ Speech Acts in Indonesian Vocational English Schools
Article ID: 6989 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6989
142 (Abstract)
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Effective communication in the classroom profoundly influences educational performance, particularly in language acquisition settings. This study investigates the employment of directive (commanding) and requestive (requesting) speech acts by English educators in Indonesian vocational high schools, a subject that remains under-examined. This research utilizes a qualitative case study design to examine the utilization of speech actions... More
ArticleUnveiling the Pedagogical Potential: An in-Depth Analysis of EFL Instructors’ Perspectives on YouTube for Speaking Skill Enhancement
Article ID: 7119 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7119
137 (Abstract)
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This study investigates the attitudes and practices of EFL instructors at Saudi universities regarding the use of YouTube to enhance students' speaking skills. Using a mixed-methods approach, the research explores instructors’ experiences through both quantitative and qualitative data. Data were collected from 105 male and female instructors across various Saudi universities via questionnaires, and from... More
ArticleBeyond Spoken Linguistic Landscape: Semiotic Ideologisation of Regimented Practices in the Nigerian Army
God’sgift Ogban Uwen, Hilary Idiege Adie, Bassey Asukwo Ekpenyong, Josephat Adoga Odey, Vincent Ugah Uguma, Sunday Tasen Okune, Jenny Benjamin Inyang
Article ID: 7016 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7016
121 (Abstract)
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This article examines the dimensions of military ideologies that are tactically communicated through the semiotic mechanisms of the Nigerian Army’s regimented practices. Data were sourced through participant observation and semi-structured interview in a fourteen-month fieldwork involving 22 staff members of the Nigerian Army. Drawing on insights from the concept of semiotic ideology to account for... More
ArticleThe Erosion of Cultural Essence: Translating Mythical Cultural Terms in Classical Chinese Folk Novels
Article ID: 7084 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7084
109 (Abstract)
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This paper explores the challenges and implications of translating mythical cultural terms from the Chinese classical literary work Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio. Drawing on the theoretical framework of cultural loss and compensation, this study employs a comparative analysis of two selected English translations by Herbert Giles and John Minford to identify and evaluate... More
ArticleThe Role of Language in the Effectiveness of Social Advertising
Article ID: 7036 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7036
227 (Abstract)
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The study aims to analyse and evaluate language's role in shaping social advertising's effectiveness from a linguistic perspective. Methods. The survey method, the method of linguistic analysis and classification of linguistic strategies and techniques, and the Weissman-Ricks Emotional State Inventory (WRESI) were used in the study. The statistical analysis was carried out using the Pearson... More
ArticleMedical Students’ Perceptions of ChatGPT Integration in English Medium Instruction: A Study from Saudi Arabia
Article ID: 6975 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6975
237 (Abstract)
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ChatGPT has significantly impacted various educational sectors, including English-medium instruction (EMI). This study explores perceptions of Saudi medical students at the University of Bisha on integrating ChatGPT into their EMI coursework, focusing particularly on its influence on their comprehension and application of medical terminology in English. Employing a descriptive research design, this research collected data... More
ArticleWritten Ladakhi and the Future of Ladakh’s Culture
Article ID: 7240 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7240
574 (Abstract)
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This study explores Written Ladakhi and the future of Ladakh’s culture in the newly formed Union Territory of Ladakh, India. The Ladakhi language is at a critical pivotal period. Its survival in the next two generations depends directly on the introduction of the Ladakhi language in its written form in the educational system. Using written... More
ArticleBilingualism in Training and in the Professional Environment among Moroccan Laureates in Private Law
Article ID: 6829 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6829
87 (Abstract)
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The linguistic landscape of Morocco is characterized by its complexity and diversity, the result of a rich history and a unique cultural blend. Several languages coexist, each playing a specific role in society: Arabic, Amazigh, French, and English. French, a legacy of the colonial period, occupies a prominent place in business, diplomacy, media, and particularly... More
ArticleGenre Analysis in Blended Learning: Empowering English Majors’ Critical Listening Skills: Case of Faculty of Education, Minia University, Egypt
Article ID: 6767 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6767
132 (Abstract)
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Critical listening is a vital learning skill. Enhancing critical thinking skills through classroom activities is an important responsibility of teachers. Critical listening involves comprehending spoken information, evaluating it, and forming judgments and opinions based on what is heard. The current study was carried out at the Faculty of Education, Minia University, Egypt, to examine the... More
ArticleLanguage Profile of a Vietnamese Child with Prader-Willi Syndrome
Article ID: 6527 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6527
69 (Abstract)
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Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), a low incidence genetic syndrome, exhibits complex difficulties characterized by infantile hypotonia and feeding, motor, cognition, behavioral phenotype, and hypoplasia. Children with PWS also may demonstrate delay in language development. However, this has not been well-investigated in research. To date, there is no research reporting the speech and language abilities of Vietnamese... More
ArticleRevisiting Total Physical Response: Evaluating Its Impact on Vocabulary Acquisition and Retention in EFL Classrooms
Article ID: 7028 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7028
194 (Abstract)
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This paper analyzes the impact of physical action on foreign language vocabulary acquisition. Total Physical Response (TPR) is a methodology developed half a century ago that was later abandoned, and there is now relatively little research into its potential for foreign language learning. The researchers aimed to revitalize this methodology and test its impact on... More
ArticleInternet and Digital Devices in Childhood: Analysis of Twitter Conversations
Article ID: 6640 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6640
61 (Abstract)
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This study aims to analyze human-media interaction, focusing on Twitter users' perceptions and imaginaries of children's use of the Internet and digital devices. The concepts of media panic, mediation, and mediatization are the theoretical keystones supporting the discussion. Exploring users' reactions and representations reveals that mobile communication... More
ArticleThe Longitudinal Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy: Literacy Acquisition in Low-SES/High-SES Monolingual Children and Low-SES Bilingual Children
Article ID: 6751 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6751
61 (Abstract)
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In the present study, we applied a two-year longitudinal design to examine the reading and spelling acquisition of primary school students during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis among three groups with different linguistic conditions and socioeconomic status (SES): low-SES and high-SES monolinguals, and low-SES bilingual children (minority language). Reading speed and spelling errors were examined at the... More
ArticleBridging the Gaps: How Intersubjectivity Shapes Historical and Scientific Cognition of Chinese Linguistics
Article ID: 6747 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6747
79 (Abstract)
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This paper explores the pivotal role of intersubjectivity in shaping the historical and scientific cognition of Chinese linguistics. It examines how shared understanding and mutual comprehension, facilitated through social interactions and communication, have influenced both traditional scholarship and modern approaches to studying the Chinese language. The paper traces the intersubjective foundations laid by pioneering scholars... More
ArticlePatient-Directed Politeness Strategy Preferences in Clinical Visits Setting in Kuwait
Article ID: 7010 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7010
93 (Abstract)
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The vital context of Doctor–Patient communication is being abundantly researched to improve its outcomes. However, existing studies either focus on the doctor’s perspective and pay little attention to the patient or focus on patients’ satisfaction in relation to biomedical aspects, such as the doctors’ clinical skills and the services provided in the healthcare institution. Research... More
ArticleSingularity and Plurality in Standard Arabic: A Semantic Message for Translators of ri:ħ (Wind) and riya:ħ (Winds)
Article ID: 7070 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7070
136 (Abstract)
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This paper argues that the relationship between the singular and plural forms of a noun in Arabic is not merely grammatical. It specifically shows that the relationship does not only entail that a plural noun refers to more than two persons or things and that each form may hold a certain semantic significance, depending on... More
ArticleReunifying Feature Inheritance and Speech Act Projections: Testing the Model on Peripheral Constructions from Arabic
Article ID: 6778 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6778
102 (Abstract)
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This study aims to bridge a gap between Feature Inheritance (FI) and Speech Act Projections (SAPs), addressing the significant challenge SAPs pose to FI and its underlying mechanism, AGREE. Previous studies highlight the need for reallocating features within the syntax to reconcile FI with cartographic structures, suggesting that moving the C head above Foc and... More
ArticleInfluence of Home Environment on Chinese Overseas Students’ English Learning
Chunwen Yang, Rankun Cai, Wei Huang, Phawani A. Vijayaratnam, Walton Wider, Lester Naces Udang, Mehdi Manoochehrzadeh913-924
Article ID: 6817 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6817
165 (Abstract)
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As studying abroad is gaining popularity, language barriers become a significant issue for most Chinese overseas students. While extensive existing studies have revealed the significant role of diverse factors influencing English learning, such as instructional design, motivation and institutional support, less attention has been paid towards the unavoidable internal factor– Home Environment. Highlighting a significant... More
ArticleFactors Affecting Difficulty of English Pre-Nominal Adjective Order for Saudi Learners
Article ID: 6825 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6825
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The purpose of this paper is to illuminate foreign learners’ receptive mastery of the distinctive pre-nominal adjective order of English and factors affecting their correctness, using Saudi learners as an example. Although English adjective order itself is well-understood, second language learners’ acquisition trajectory is under-researched. In this study, 134 L1 Arabic learners responded to a... More
ArticleSemiotic Analysis of Psycholinguistic Strategies in Indonesian President Candidates’ Debates 2024: Unraveling Linguistic Signifiers and Mental Processes in Argumentative Discourse
Djoko Sutrisno, Martina Martina
, Deni Karsana
, Muhammad Nafi Annury
, Adri Adri
, Wahyu Damayanti
, Asri M. Nur Hidayah
, Dewi Juliastuty
Article ID: 7251 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.7251
233 (Abstract)
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This study investigates the semiotic and psycholinguistic strategies employed by Indonesian presidential candidates during the 2024 debates, emphasizing the critical role of language and mental processes in influencing voter perceptions and shaping political discourse. The primary objective is to dissect the linguistic signifiers and cognitive processes that underpin each candidate’s argumentative discourse, offering insights into... More
ArticleImpact of Trilingual Efficiency on the Working Memory and Inhibitory Control in Undergraduates: A Case Study of Pakistan
Article ID: 6783 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6783
120 (Abstract)
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In recent years, the phenomenon of multilingualism has spread throughout the world. Pakistan offers an intriguing picture of multilingualism, yet little research has been done in this domain. The previous body of research in the multilingualism and cognition domain had produced inconsistent findings. This study aimed to investigate the positive impact of multilingualism on executive... More
ArticleA Comparative Study of the Translated Arabic Versions of the Novel ‘To the Lighthouse’ under Feminist Translation Theory
Abdallah Mohammad Mufadi Alharahsheh993-1001
Article ID: 6708 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6708
144 (Abstract)
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This paper, A Comparative Study of the Translated Arabic Versions of the Novel to the Lighthouse under Feminist Translation Theory, examines the influence of feminist translation theory on the interpretation of Virginia Woolf’s iconic novel. It focuses on two Arabic translations, both completed by female translators, to investigate how gender, cultural context, and personal experiences... More
ArticleDiscrepancy between Speech and Written Versions of Shona: The Case of the Karanga of Chivi District in Masvingo, Zimbabwe
Article ID: 6709 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6709
60 (Abstract)
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Schooling in Zimbabwe have a socially constructed hidden definition that impacts language learning. The ‘racialised bilingual tainted educationists’ measure learning through the influence of some recognised languages. Scholarship underestimate linguistic power dynamics in the ‘nativised foreign languages’. The phenomenon of ‘languaging education’ can be traced back to Christian missionaries in the 1890s and orthography harmonisation efforts. In... More
ArticleDecolonising Pedagogies: Unpacking Postcolonial Language Policies in Higher Education Systems of South Africa and Zimbabwe
Article ID: 6710 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i5.6710
81 (Abstract)
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Following their independence from colonial rule, most African nations adopted postcolonial language policies. As a result, some southern African countries were held accountable for implementing an exoglossic policy that favoured foreign colonial languages; in contrast, other independent states took an exclusive stance that gave preference to native tongues in their socio-economic sectors. This article therefore... More