Toward Postulating a Critical Digital Pedagogy Scale: Development and Validation of a Meta-Connective Attitude Questionnaire for the Online Classrooms
Although digital technology and democracy through digital learning environments are gaining attention in applied linguistics, the lack of a measurement scale with robust psychometric properties hinders progress towards education quality and learning opportunities. To address this gap, this study is a report on designing, constructing, and validating the practicality of critical digital pedagogy (CDP) scale. To undertake the study, a quantitative research following a survey design was adopted to (a) develop and validate the scale, and (b) to screen English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ perceptions. To gauge teachers’ perspectives, this study aimed to conceptualize the construct of CDP through the development and validation of a scale specifically designed for use in online classrooms. Utilizing both data-driven and theoretical approaches among 412 EFL teachers has resulted in the development of a 27-item CDP scale. Notably, the findings indicated a high level of internal consistency and satisfactory construct validity of the of the newly developed scale. Such scale can bridge the gap between critical pedagogy and digital instruction.
Critical digital pedagogy; Digital learning environments; EFL teachers; ValidationReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Moussa Diagne Faye, Vini Yves Bernadin Loyara, Amadou Keita, Mamadou Diop, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Mahamadou Koita, Hamma Yacouba

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