Influence of Home Environment on Chinese Overseas Students’ English Learning
As studying abroad is gaining popularity, language barriers become a significant issue for most Chinese overseas students. While extensive existing studies have revealed the significant role of diverse factors influencing English learning, such as instructional design, motivation and institutional support, less attention has been paid towards the unavoidable internal factor– Home Environment. Highlighting a significant gap in existing literature, this study aims to explore the influence of the home environment on Chinese overseas students' English learning in higher education institutions. Underpinned by the Bronfenbrenner’s Sociocultural Theory, this study adopted a qualitative phenomenological method, and used thematic analysis to analyze interview data collected through WeChat Voice Call. The novelty of this study lies in its specific focus on the home environment’s role in shaping Chinese overseas students’ English learning, offering fresh insights for parents, educators, and institutions. The present study finds that most respondents reported an early English learning experience and adopted various ways to learn English yet they still face challenges, and that family background, family support, family culture values play an indispensable role in shaping Chinese overseas students’ English learning. Findings of this study offers valuable insight into the broader discourse on enhancing English acquisition, ultimately contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), especially SDG 4. Quality Education.
Studying Abroad; Home Environment; Chinese Overseas Students; English Language Acquisition; Education PolicyReferences
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