Examining Translators’ Experiences in Translating Grade 4 Geography Concepts from English to Tshivenḓa
Translation of educational materials from English into indigenous African languages such as Tshivenḓa presents significant challenges, particularly concerning non-equivalence and cultural disparities. This qualitative study examines translators’ experiences in translating Grade 4 Geography concepts from English to Tshivenḓa. Anchored by Skopos theory and the scan and balance framework, the research adopts an interpretivist paradigm and a phenomenological design. Five expert translators participated and were selected through purposive sampling. Data collection included translation tasks and semi-structured interviews, which were analysed using thematic and inductive analysis. The findings reveal pervasive cultural and terminological challenges stemming from differences between English and Tshivenḓa, compounded by insufficient resources and time-intensive translation processes. The translators navigated these challenges with adaptive problem-solving approaches like using dictionaries, internet searches, and consultations with experts, as well as by achieving equivalence through translation strategies such as paraphrasing, cultural substitution, loan words, general words, and coining, guided by systematic strategy selection based on the intended purposes of the translations. This study contributes to the understanding of the nuanced dynamics of translation in educational contexts, highlighting the need for improved resources and collaborative efforts among translators. By enhancing translation practices in indigenous languages, this research endeavours to support better educational outcomes and preserve linguistic diversity.
Cultural Translation Challenges; Translation Strategies; Grade 4 Geography Concepts; Tshivenḓa Language; Skopos Theory; Linguistic Diversity; Indigenous LanguagesReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Moussa Diagne Faye, Vini Yves Bernadin Loyara, Amadou Keita, Mamadou Diop, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Mahamadou Koita, Hamma Yacouba

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