Factors Affecting Language and Narrative Styles in Prose Fiction: A Stylistic Perspective


  • Suhair Eyad Al-Alami

    Department of General Education, Skyline University College, Sharjah, The United Arab Emirates


Received: 9 December 2024 | Revised: 12 January 2025 | Accepted: 15 January 2025 | Published Online: 5 February 2025


Prose fiction texts embody a portrayal of feelings, thoughts, and dispositions translated into language worthy of exploration and appreciation. Through exploration and appreciation, the reader is exposed to an intellectual journey of knowledge, skill, and experience. Bearing this in mind, the current paper explores the main factors that may negatively impact the language and narrative styles of a prose fiction text. Two research questions are addressed accordingly: what major factors may negatively impact the language style of a prose fiction text, and what major factors may negatively impact the narrative style of a prose fiction text? Seeking logical answers to the two research inquiries, the author of this paper employed two study devices: a questionnaire comprising nine items and an interview with two questions. The study sample included two categories: avid readers who are members of the book club the author is a member of in Dubai, and university instructors teaching English in the United Arab Emirates. The subjects’ responses to the questionnaire’s items and interview’s questions highlighted several points in terms of the research questions the paper raises. Based on the subjects’ responses and statisticians suggestions, the paper concludes with several recommendations for scholars and researchers to consider regarding how to ensure effective writing of prose fiction texts. Additionally, the paper proposes a framework targeting language and narrative styles of prose fiction for quality outcome purposes.


Fiction Writing; Language Style; Narrative Style; Prose Fiction Text; Story Elements


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How to Cite

Al-Alami, S. E. (2025). Factors Affecting Language and Narrative Styles in Prose Fiction: A Stylistic Perspective. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 7(2), 399–408. https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v7i2.8144


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