YouTube’s Automated Subtitling from English into Arabic: A Case Study of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Recently, the development of speech-to-text technology, together with machine translation, has led to the development
of simultaneously translating the captions of videos into other languages. YouTube, a video-sharing platform, offers
multilingual subtitles using this feature. The current automated caption system captures audio data during video uploads
and generates a subtitle file in text format. The current study aims at examining whether YouTube machine translation from
English into Arabic is reliable in rendering the intended meaning on subtitling, depending on the FAR model (functional
equivalence, readability, and acceptability). The data of this study consisted of 30 examples that were taken from the
YouTube platform and their translated versions into Arabic using YouTube’s machine translation. The study is both
descriptive and comparative. The results of the study indicate that YouTube machine translation represents varying levels
of inadequate translation according to its system and database, revealing many deficiencies. The total approval rate is
68.5%, which gives the impression that the translation is very poor. Therefore, the machine requires the development of its
system and the enrichment of its databases, specifically the Arabic ones.
Machine Translation; Subtitling; Far Model; YouTube; Harry PotterReferences
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