Innovations in the Profession-Oriented Training of Would-be Philologists: Eurasian Dimension
The article deals with the issues related to innovations in the profession-oriented training of would-be translators. The purpose of the research is to analyse the innovative set of educational tools enabling the improvement of the learning outcomes within the training of would-be orientalists. The tasks are: 1) to outline the paradigm of innovations in the system of higher education; 2) to specify innovative technologies contributing to the improvement of the methodological basis for training would-be orientalists; 3) to elaborate assessment criteria for would-be orientalists’ learning outcomes. Some vectors of innovative tools in the sphere of education have been considered: IT in the system of education (personalization, adaptive learning platform, augmented and virtual reality, etc.); innovative technologies in the practice of training future translators/interpreters and foreign language teachers (artificial intelligence, gamification in language learning, applications for learning foreign languages, etc.). Criteria improvement expectancy while using innovative technologies (personalization, adaptive learning, interactive conversations, gamification) has been presented in two similar questionnaires intended for students and teaching staff. The obtained data confirm that the most and least important issues focused by the students and instructors coincided. The research conducted enabled the author to draw certain conclusions which confirm the fact that the instructors keep to the student-centred approach and understand the necessity of applying innovative (AI-driven) technologies without neglecting the teacher’s role in the educational process.
Adaptive Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Innovations; English; Chinese; Personification of Education; Virtual and Augmented RealityReferences
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