Modern Approaches to the Theory and Methodology of Kazakh Literary Studies: Integration of National and Global Trends


  • Assyl Matayeva

    L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2 Satpayev Str., Astana 010008, Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Sagymbay Zhumagul

    L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2 Satpayev Str., Astana 010008, Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Bayan Sarybayeva

    Pavlodar Pedagogical University after named Alkey Margulan, 60, Olzhabai batyr street, Pavlodar 140000, Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Ayaulym Yerlanova

    Pavlodar Pedagogical University after named Alkey Margulan, 60, Olzhabai batyr street, Pavlodar 140000, Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Aisulu Chuzhayeva

    Pavlodar Pedagogical University after named Alkey Margulan, 60, Olzhabai batyr street, Pavlodar 140000, Republic of Kazakhstan

Received: 2 December 2024 | Revised: 18 January 2025 | Accepted: 20 January 2025 | Published Online: 18 February 2025


This article examines the theoretical and methodological challenges of modern Kazakh literary studies, focusing on transformations driven by Kazakhstan’s independence. The research underscores the integration of global theoretical frameworks-structuralism, postmodernism, narratology, and hermeneutics-into Kazakh literary criticism, which has significantly reshaped the analysis of artistic texts. These methodologies provide a deeper understanding of national literature in global contexts, reflecting the evolving dynamics of Kazakh literary theory. Special emphasis is placed on the role of the national idea, the reinterpretation of the literary heritage, and the rehabilitation of previously repressed authors. These processes highlight the pivotal function of Kazakh literature in fostering national self-identification and preserving cultural values. The article also explores the influence of postmodernism on Kazakh literature, which, unlike its Western counterpart, represents a continuation of interrupted modernism, resulting in a distinct postmodernist approach. The methodological framework integrates systemic, comparative, hermeneutic, and semiotic approaches to analyze the aesthetic and philosophical dimensions of literary texts. The findings demonstrate how Kazakh literary criticism harmonizes global methodologies with its national identity, providing innovative insights into the study of literature. The article concludes by outlining the future prospects of Kazakh literary studies, emphasizing their potential for further integration into the global academic community. This includes fostering intercultural dialogue, leveraging digital technologies, and promoting Kazakh literature on international platforms.


Kazakh Literary Studies; Methodology; Structuralism; Postmodernism; Hermeneutics; National Identity


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How to Cite

Matayeva, A., Zhumagul, S., Sarybayeva, B., Yerlanova, A., & Chuzhayeva, A. (2025). Modern Approaches to the Theory and Methodology of Kazakh Literary Studies: Integration of National and Global Trends. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 7(2), 639–653.


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