Quantifiers in Bisha Colloquial Arabic: A Syntactic Perspective
This study investigates the syntactic and semantic behavior of quantifiers in Bisha Colloquial Arabic (BCA), focusing on their structural roles and functions. Data were collected from stretches of discourse in syntax class interactions and social media content. The analysis explores independent quantifiers, pre-nominal and post-nominal constructions, partitive structures, relative clauses, and modifiers, using a comparative approach with Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and other Arabic dialects. The findings reveal that BCA quantifiers share certain features with MSA but also exhibit unique regional characteristics. Unlike MSA, where quantifiers can function independently with greater flexibility, BCA requires the definite article (al-) for quantifiers to function as standalone nominal phrases. Pre-nominal quantifiers form construct state structures, with agreement aligning with the complement noun. Post-nominal quantifiers, resembling attributive adjectives, often include pronominal clitics to ensure agreement. Additionally, BCA distinguishes between distributive and collective readings of quantifiers, with agreement patterns adjusting accordingly. The study also shows that BCA allows more flexibility in adjective placement and prefers adverbial modifiers over descriptive adjectives, differing from the more rigid syntax of MSA. These findings highlight the interplay between syntax and semantics in BCA, showcasing its unique regional features within the Arabic dialect continuum. The study enhances our understanding of Arabic dialectal variation and emphasizes the importance of regional differences in shaping the linguistic diversity of Arabic. Further research could explore sociocultural influences and language contact effects on the development of BCA and similar dialects.
Quantifiers; Bisha Colloquial Arabic (BCA); Modern Standard Arabic (MSA); Arabic DialectsReferences
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