A Comparative Analysis for Land Utilization:Steel and R/C Interlaced Structures
In architecture, interlace structural concept is considered as a new design approach for cosmopolitan cities with high density to minimize the land use and increase the interaction. With various architectural approach, land resources can be minimized by this interlace concept for residential complexes. Such buildings will eliminate the reduction of land resource problem and on the other side safety measures in structural design is incorporated by interlace concept of buildings. This new concept can be constructed steel or reinforced concrete. In this paper, an analytical approach has been presented for these buildings in architecture and structural design. In the research, design considerations were taken for interlaced structures with reinforced concrete and steel. Components of steel structure, isolated footing, and columns. This paper is presenting a step wise process for interlance structures. They are identification of project area, layout and model preparation, analysis and design of concrete interlaced structure, analysis and design of steel interlaced structure, drafting of the plans and costing and estimation of the structures. Comparison of both reinforced concrete and steel structures were carried out. The main aim of the paper is to provide a comparison between steel and concrete interlaced structure. A cost estimation was carried out to determine optimum design and construction for interlaced structures.
Interlace; Design project; Structural analysis; Reinforced concrete; SteelReferences
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