In today’s world some changes have been occurred in human lifestyle, these changes, along with the advantages, have led to a series of disadvantages including their disconnection with the nature. One of the most important areas to re-establish the relationship is the school. The presence of nature at schools, and holding some classes in nature,... More
Nowadays, several studies demonstrate that viewing nature has positive effects on human health and well-being. This essay discusses about the essential methods of viewing natural environment and their impacts on human well-being by clarifying four important theoretical models: reducing stress, lowering heart rate, improving outcome of surgery, and increasing attention. In addition, some important research... More
Window opening operations are considered as one of the significant way of regulating indoor climate and maintaining thermal comfort in buildings, even when alternative active devices such as fans and air conditioners are available. This study investigates responses of occupants of the traditional core areas of Ibadan and Ogbomoso to thermal comfort conditions (thermal stress)... More
Abstract: This study reviewed the theoretical issues relating to morphological and psychological design issues in hospital building design evaluation. The study of morphological configurations design issues, concentrates on the elements of building, shape/form, the structure of the environment, the structural efficiency and the architectural appearance of the hospital building forms. The psychological design issues focused on... More
Abstract: Cost over-run in building projects is endemic and routinely increases construction cost to as high as 52% of contract sums in Uganda. The consequence of this is underachievement of investment objectives due to additional costs to complete projects. This research investigated how procurement requirements and procurement methods combine to determine cost over-run of building projects.... More