The prediction of the behavior of reinforced concrete beams under bending is essential for the perfect design of these elements. Usually, the classical models do not incorporate the physical nonlinear behavior of concrete under tension and compression, which can underestimate the deformations in the structural element under short and long-term loads. In the present... More
Overloads of vehicle may cause damage to bridge structures, and how to assess the safety influence of heavy vehicles crossing the prototype bridge is one of the challenges. In this report, using a large amount of monitored data collected from the structural health monitoring system (SHMS) in service of the prototype bridge, of which the... More
The approach that contributes to the development of eco-materials in construction is the use of mineral powders, which can improve mechanical properties and reduce cement consumption. This article aims to study the effect of substitution by mass of cement with mineral powders on the physicomechanical properties and microstructure of sand concretes. The used mineral... More