The recurrent premature failures of public infrastructure which render most constructed facilities structurally deficient and functionally obsolete require urgent attention. This paper presents the results of the investigated properties and durability of both local and imported steel reinforcing bars in Nigeria. Flexural strengths of concrete structures reinforced with steel rebar specimens and subjected to... More
Abstract: Sustainability of a community is an intrinsic social process and social interaction plays a key role in this. Due to urbanisation, there is a high demand in the city for housing. However, for people, there is a physical and emotional association to their community they are living in. This is getting lost in the current... More
Contrary to the conventional air conditioning systems, the liquid desiccant cooling (LDC) systems are considered efficient systems to control the indoor air conditions. In addition, the LDC technologies are more adequate for the hot and humid climates. In this paper, we present an analytical investigation at assessing the feasibility of a LDC technology under Mediterranean... More
Auxetic materials have several properties very useful to be applied to architecture structures. This paper is aimed to test structurally a specific auxetic structure model. This hypothesis will be check: if auxetic materials have innovative properties in nanoscale then they will also have these properties in macroscale. But there are some differences for these different... More