Abstract: The study examines corporate strategies from different angles, defines potential fields of application and works out existing empirical values and trends in the digitization process of the building sector. It highlights the unintended consequences of technological development and offers concrete practical approaches for responsible use. Using the qualitative research method, the study concludes that digital... More
Phase change materials (PCMs) are an interesting technology due to their high density and isothermal behavior during phase change. Phase change material plays a major role in the energy saving of the buildings, which is greatly aided by the incorporation of phase change material into building products such as bricks, cement, gypsum board, etc. In... More
Communal spaces provide different facilities for users while they are the primary place for the spread of diseases, especially respiratory. Transmission is possible through human behaviors, the way they communicate with each other and breathe in an environment by airborne pathogenic particles. Experts from various fields have gained valuable experience and achievements regarding how to prevent... More
This paper studies the deterioration of bridge substructures utilizing the Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) Program InfoBridgeTM and develops a survival model using Cox proportional hazards regression. The survival analysis is based on the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) dataset. The study calculates the survival rate of reinforced and prestressed concrete piles on bridges under marine conditions over a... More
Incorporating small amounts of biochar into cementitious materials has partial effects on the environment. In this present study, rice husk was collected as agricultural biomass from a local area of Roorkee Uttarakhand, which contains siliceous material to a significant extent. Biochar was prepared from agricultural waste in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 500... More