Early stage Design Workflow for high Energy Performance Multi-storey Residential Buildings
This paper presents a methodology to optimize building envelope energy performance for multi-storey residential buildings using a design performance model approach. Five analysis techniques, applied to a database of parametric simulation results, are proposed to derive information on various building performance features that can support early design decisions. Information may include optimal combination of design parameter values to achieve lowest energy consumption, or the relative impact of design parameters on a given design, such as a base case. A workflow template is established to provide support for the design process of energy efficient multi-storey residential buildings. This template can form a basis for the development of an interactive tool that integrates energy performance principles into early stage design decisions. The application of this methodology to a building in Vancouver (BC, Canada, 49°N) is presented as a case study. Results of this application demonstrates that adopting a specific combination of building envelope parameters, thermal load can be reduced by up to 85% as compared to a base case designed according to commonly built apartment buildings in the studied location.
Multi-storey buildings; Residential; Energy performance; Design performance models; Modelling analysis techniquesReferences
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