Theoretical Issues and Conceptual Framework for Physical Facilities Design in Hospital Buildings
This study reviewed the theoretical issues relating to morphological and psychological design issues in hospital building design evaluation. The study of morphological configurations design issues, concentrates on the elements of building, shape/form, the structure of the environment, the structural efficiency and the architectural appearance of the hospital building forms. The psychological design issues focused on the essential issues relating to Proximity, Privacy and Wayfindings. Through the literature review of previous models such as, Khan (2012) Operational Efficiency Model, Haron, Hamid and Talib Usability Framework, (2012), Zhao, Mourshed & Wright (2009) Model, Alalouch, Aspinall & Smith Model (2016) and Hill & Kitchen (2009). A conceptual framework for physical facilities design evaluation and satisfaction in hospital buildings was developed. The study, however, provides useful information for the development of a design framework that can inform policy on hospital buildings.Keywords:
Theories;Framework;Physical facilities;Hospital BuildingReferences
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