Anthropic Principle Algorithm:A new Heuristic Optimization Meth
Heuristic optimization is an appealing method for solving some en- gineering problems, in which gradient information may not be available, or yet, when the problem presents many minima points. Thus, the goal of this paper is to present a new heuristic algorithm based on the Anthropic Prin- ciple, the Anthropic Principle Algorithm (APA). This algorithm is based on the following idea: the universe developed itself in the exact way to allow the existence of all current things, including life. This idea is very similar to the convergence in an optimization process. Arguing about the merit of the An- thropic Principle is not among the goals of this paper. This principle is treated only as an inspiration for heuristic optimization algorithms. In the final of the paper, some applications of the APA are presented. Classical problems such as Rosenbrock function minimization, system identification examples and min- imization of some benchmark functions are also presented. In order to vali- date the APA’s functionality, a comparison between the APA and the classic heuristic algorithms, Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimiza- tion (PSO) is made. In this comparison, the APA presented better results in majority of tested cases, proving that it has a great potential for application in optimization problems.
Heuristic; Optimization; Anthropic; Principle; System; Identifica- tionReferences
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Copyright © 2018 Elder Oroski, Beatriz S. Pês, Rafael H. Lopez, Adolfo Bauchspiess

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