Assessment of Daylight into the Residential Building According to the Floor Levels for Hot and Dry Climatic Zone
It is very important to use the daylight in the building design, which is allowed by the windows into the buildings, to reduce the energy consumption. However, on the other hand, the performance of daylight varies according to the floor levels of the building. This research focused on the investigation of the correlation between the performance of daylight and window areas according to floor levels through field measurements and simulation experiments in the residential building. The aim of this research is to derive the adequate window areas according to the floor levels with respect to the orientation of the residential building to achieve the optimum level of daylight and indoor temperature in the livable areas of a residential building. The case selected is residential building from Nagpur region, of Central India. It has a hot and dry climate. The evaluation of daylight level has been done with selected parameters like percentages of Carpet Area to Window Ratio (CAWR) and Orientation by using daylight metrics, namely Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI) (with Daysim and Radiance analysis tools plug-in Ecotect 2011 software). The findings of this research are the adequate area of window according to floor levels with respect to the orientation in the livable areas of the residential building.
Daylight simulation; Floor Levels; Carpet Area to Window Ratio (CAWR); Orientation of the building; Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI); Indoor temperatureReferences
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