Comprehensive Investigation into the Menace of Roof Collapse in Tamale and the Way Forward
There is a perpetual problem of partial or complete roof collapse withinthe Tamale Metropolis and other parts of Ghana. This has become an issueof grave public concern since this menace affects both public buildingsof all kinds (schools, offices, churches, mosque etc.) as well as domesticbuildings.This research sets out to conduct comprehensive investigations into thenature of roof failures, causes, and effects and then propose remedialactions towards stemming the tide.The study employed the use of roof construction affirmation surveys,questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions. Relevantinformation synthesized indicates that the roof type, construction materials,building type and environmental conditions are crucial causative factors.Major consequences of roof failures include damage to personal belongingsand exposure to inclement weather conditions, the psychological traumavictims are subjected and pressure on incomes and living conditions as aresult of the cost of repair or replacement of the roofs.It is recommended that expert advice be sought in checking maintenancerequirements of existing roofs in the study area and also during the designand construction of new roofs. Tree planting programmes for this heavilydeforested region should be encouraged. The use of green timber for roofconstruction must be replaced with well-seasoned ones. Proper constructiondetailing and placement openings buildings should be done so that windflow during a windstorm is optimized.Keywords:
Roof collapse; Maintenance; Roof leakages; Construction; TamaleReferences
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