Experimental Shear Study on Reinforced High Strength Concrete Beams Made Using Blended Cement
With the increased application of High Strength Concrete (HSC) inconstruction and lack of proper guidelines for structural design in India,behavioral study of high strength concrete is an important aspect ofresearch. Research on the behavior of HSC reinforced beams with concretestrength more than 60 MPa has been carried out in the past and is stillcontinuing to understand the structural behavior of HSC beams. Along withthe many benefits of the high strength concrete, the more brittle behavior isof concern which leads to sudden failure. This paper presents the behaviorof reinforced HSC beams in shear with considering the effects of variousfactors like shear reinforcement ratio, longitudinal reinforcement ratio, l/dratio (length to depth ratio), etc. Ten numbers Reinforced Concrete Beamsof various sizes using concrete mix with three different w/c ratios (0.46, 0.26and 0.21) were cast for shear strength assessment. The beams were tested insimply supported condition over two fixed steel pedestals with load rate of0.2 mm/minute in displacement control. Mid-point deflection was measuredusing LVDT. A comparative analysis of theoretical approaches of Eurocode, extension of current IS code up to M90 and the experimental datawas done to understand the behavior of beams. Shear capacities of beamswithout any factors of safety were used to assess the actual capacities andthen was compared with the experimental capacity obtained. Results ofthis study can be used in the design of high strength concrete and will bemore reliable in Indian continent as the regional materials and exposureconditions were considered.Keywords:
High strength concrete; Shear capacity; Reinforced concrete beams; Shear behaviour; Span to depth ratioReferences
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Copyright © 2022 Brijesh Singh, VIKAS PATEL, P N Ojha, Amit Trivedi, V V Arora

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