Inviting Nature into Academic Learning: Exploring the Possibility to Activate the Introvert Courts inside the University Buildings
Established on peripheral sub-urban area of Sylhet city, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology is a public university well known for its beautiful natural environment and diversified landscape with green hillocks, waterscape, forests and biodiversity. But, the academic buildings of the campus were planned in an introvert way that the common void courts remain disconnected from the outside natural environment. Although designed with positive intention, most of the courts remain unused maximum the time of a year. As the campus natural environment is getting richer day by day and users prefer to spend more time in outside environment, it is high time to integrate nature into the academic learning. This research aims to explore the possibilities of these void courts to be incorporated with the outside natural environment to enhance joyful learning. A combined approach was adopted as research methodology consists of intensive physical survey, literature study, microclimate analysis, questioner surveys among the users, interviewing the field experts and selective national and international case studies. Lastly, a set recommendation has been proposed considering all the perspectives and issues that the research has identified.
Academic learning; Enclosed courtyard; Natural environment; University campusReferences
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Copyright © 2022 Gourpada Dey, Raduan Md. Saiful Islam Prottoy, Mushabbir Muttaki, Subrata Das

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