Mechanical and Microstructural Analysis of Waste Ceramic Optimal Concrete Reinforced by Hybrid Fibers Materials: A Comprehensive Study
Combining different types of fibers inside a concrete mixture was revealed to improve the strength properties of cementitious matrices by monitoring crack initiation and propagation. The contribution of hybrid fibers needs to be thoroughly investigated, considering various parameters such as fibers type and content. The present study aims to carry out some mechanical and microstructural characteristics of Waste Ceramic Optimal Concrete (WOC) reinforced by hybrid fibers. Reinforcement materials consist of three different fiber types: hook-ended steel fiber (HK), crimped steel fiber (CR) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers and the effect of their addition on the waste ceramic composites’ mechanical behaviour. Furthermore, a microstructural analysis was carried out to understand the waste ceramic matrix composition and its bonding to hybrid fibers. Results showed that the addition of hybrid fibers improved the strength characteristics of the ceramic waste composites. For instance, the existence of PVA-CR increased the tensile and flexural strength of the waste ceramic composite by 85.44% and 70.37%, respectively, with respect to the control sample (WOC). As well as hybrid fiber exhibits improved morphological properties as a result of increased pore filling with dense and compact structure, as well as increased C–H crystals and denser structure in pastes as a result of the incorporation of hybrid fibers into the concrete mix. The present experimental research shows the choice of using steel fiber with PVA as a reinforcement material. The idea of adding hybrid fiber is to prepare the economic, environmental, and technological concrete. Moreover, it offers a possibility for improving concrete’s durability, which is vital. Finally, it was concluded that steel fiber is more durable, and stiffer and provides adequate first crack strength and ultimate strength. In contrast, the PVA fiber is relatively flexible and improves the post-crack zone’s toughness and strain capacity.
Hybrid fibers; Hooked End Steel Fiber; Crimped Steel Fiber; Polyvinyl Alcohol Fibers; Waste Ceramic Optimal Concrete.References
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