Transformable Geometries of Architecture between the Years of 1950 and 2015
During 50 and 60 years, architecture began to experiment new processes of adaptation defining new deployable typologies in the engineering and architecture that had not been experienced until that moment. Transformable forms were developed from the study of geometry. Since then it has been emerged studies of this type by researchers who have continued or have been interested in these works. Geometry, structure and form will be the same. The form will be understand like a fluid concept, in which is more important to provide the empty in the structure that providing the masses. The future of architecture is the lightness. This paper presents a synthesis of the art state of the set of technical solutions to the design of architectures based on geometric deployable structures that will be applied to the building construction. The condition of the transformable forms will characterize the innovative production systems of contemporary architecture. This study provides a strong documental foundation for research on the significance of new structural and constructive systems in the production of the current deployable architecture.
Deployable; Transformable; Geometry; Structure; FormReferences
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