Survival Analysis Using Cox Proportional Hazards Regression for Pile Bridge Piles Under Wet Service Conditions
This paper studies the deterioration of bridge substructures utilizing the Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) Program InfoBridgeTM and develops a survival model using Cox proportional hazards regression. The survival analysis is based on the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) dataset. The study calculates the survival rate of reinforced and prestressed concrete piles on bridges under marine conditions over a 29-year span (from 1992 to 2020). The state of Maryland is the primary focus of this study, with data from three neighboring regions, the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Delaware to expand the sample size. The data obtained from the National Bridge Inventory are condensed and filtered to acquire the most relevant information for model development. The Cox proportional hazards regression is applied to the condensed NBI data with six parameters: Age, ADT, ADTT, number of spans, span length, and structural length. Two survival models are generated for the bridge substructures: Reinforced and prestressed concrete piles in Maryland and reinforced and prestressed concrete piles in wet service conditions in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia. Results from the Cox proportional hazards regression are used to construct Markov chains to demonstrate the sequence of the deterioration of bridge substructures. The Markov chains can be used as a tool to assist in the prediction and decision-making for repair, rehabilitation, and replacement of bridge piles. Based on the numerical model, the Pile Assessment Matrix Program (PAM) is developed to facilitate the assessment and maintenance of current bridge structures. The program integrates the NBI database with the inspection and research reports from various states’ department of transportation, to serve as a tool for condition state simulation based on maintenance or rehabilitation strategies.
Survival analysis of bridge structures; Cox proportional hazards regression; Bridge rehabilitation and maintenance; Bridge substructure protection; National bridge inventory; Simulation of bridge substructure condition stateReferences
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Copyright © 2023 Naiyi Li, Kuang-Yuan Hou, Yunchao Ye, Chung C. Fu

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