Innovation Empowerment in Construction 4.0 by the Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR)—Approach. A New Field of Scientific Research for the Digital Breakthrough
The architecture, engineering and construction industry (AEC) undergoes digital transformation, one of the major drivers for technical innovation and dynamism to all working processes. Emerging technologies were only used to a limited extent due to the lack of will to innovate and the unavailability of appropriate orientation guiding users with a more comprehensible framework. The research defined a new gap in scientific research with the concept of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) in Construction 4.0—a term representing the digitization of the branch. The traditionally conservative, highly fragmented industry is predestined for this given the advanced technology, human potential and appreciation of values. Understanding the complex possibilities of innovation and recognizing the potential impact on the sustainability of buildings and the built environment promotes the adoption of corporate responsibility. The implementation of digital strategies, secured by an adapted legal framework, would accelerate the overall human, societal and digital transformation. This primary research investigates the challenges affecting the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The study highlights in which fields CDR can significantly catalyze innovation to achieve efficient, economic construction life cycles. The study used a mix of methods with a structured literature analysis and expert interview surveys enabling a critical-reflexive analysis of key factors. It evaluates the key tasks to master technological feasibility. By assessing multiple expert perspectives, the study takes stock of the acceptance of new technologies. The findings are expected to inspire corporates, researchers and practitioners across disciplines. Necessary corporate steps are outlined in the study to lay the path for defining their own digital strategy. The study shows that new research questions require a holistic approach.
Construction; CDR; Innovation; Digitization; AI; Digital transformation; Human transformation; Ethics; SDGsReferences
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Copyright © 2023 Bianca Christina Weber-Lewerenz, Marzia Traverso

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