Impact of Land Reclamation on the Vegetal Cover of Bayelsa State, Nigeria
The study examined the impact of land reclamation on vegetal cover in Bayelsa State. For the purpose of this study, both quantitative and qualitative research methods were adopted. Field observations, questionnaire survey and landsat imagery of land cover changes in the year 1986 and 2018 were generated from the global ground cover facility stream. The time series study design and supervised classification of the image processing were adopted to determine the impact of land reclamation on vegetal cover of the study area. It was therefore recommended that recovery of land will make strategic urban planning initiatives sustainable in overcrowded areas and institutions should also put in place laws and strategies to regulate reclamation activities across the region and also geo-spatial skills should be put in place to help quantify the dynamics, trends and rate of reclamation induced land cover change in the environment. Educational institute should inculcate environmental knowledge in the local environment.
Land reclamation; Vegetal cover; Bayelsa state; Vegetal cover changesReferences
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