'I whisper a prayer to this beauty...': Representation of the national concept 'ЗЕМЛЯ'/'LAND' in Lina Kostenko' s literary universe
This study examined Lina Kostenko's literary expressions, and offers a more profound comprehension of the nuanced connotations associated with ЗЕМЛЯ/LAND concept in the Ukrainian context and its role in shaping Ukrainian cultural identity. The analysis of Kostenko's literary works, with a specific emphasis on significant lexical components such as Україна/Ukraine, рідна земля/native land, and Батьківщина/Motherland, explored the complex interplay between language, culture, and identity. Metaphors, epithets, and figurative language, which encompass ideas of краcа/beauty, родючіcть/fertility, щедрість/generosity are employed to elucidate the conceptual characteristics associated with the LAND concept. Spatial concretizations such as ліс/forest, сад/garden, поле/field, and степ/steppe have gained considerable significance, with the steppe in particular emerging as a prominent symbol of Ukrainian identity constituting approximately 44% of linguistic representations, while approximately 47% of the observed depictions were associated with the forest and garden. Additionally, the study explored the anthropomorphic qualities and identified the axiologemes attributed to the concept of ЗЕМЛЯ/LAND, as well as their role in shaping the nation's consciousness. This academic exploration revealed valuable insights into the linguistic richness and cultural significance of ЗЕМЛЯ/LAND concept and its enduring relevance within the broader context of linguo-culturology and conceptual analysis.
conceptual analysis; cultural identity; LAND; Lina Kostenko; literary expression; Ukrainian literature; ЗЕМЛЯReferences
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