A comparative analysis of Indian sign language recognition using deep learning models
Sign language is a form of communication where people use bodily gestures, particularly those of hands and arms. This method of communication is put into motion when spoken communication is unattainable or disfavored. There are very few people who can translate sign language and readily understand them. It would be convenient for the hearing-impaired to have a platform where their sign language could be translated easily. Hence, through this study, with the help of artificial neural networks, we wish to compare how various widely implemented deep learning architectures respond to faultless translation of Indian sign language for the native audience. This research would streamline the development of software tools that can accurately predict or translate ISL. For the purpose of understanding the method of training the machine and exploring our model’s performance without any optimizations, a Convolutional Neural Network architecture was implemented. Over the course of our research, there have been several Pre-trained Transfer Learning Models implemented that have yielded promising results. The research aims to contrast how various convolutional neural networks perform while translating Indian Sign Actions on a custom dataset that factors in illumination, angles, and different backgrounds to provide a balanced and distinctive set of images. The goal of this study is to make clear comparisons between the various deep learning frameworks. Hence, a fresh Indian sign language dataset is introduced. Since every dataset in the field of deep learning has special properties that may be utilized for the betterment of the existing models, the development of a fresh dataset could be viewed as a development in the field. The optimum model for our task: classification of these gestures is found to be ResNet-50 (Accuracy = 98.25% and F1-score = 99.34%), and the least favorable was InceptionNet V3 (Accuracy = 66.75%, and F1-score = 70.89%).
Indian sign language; deep learning; transfer learning; convolutional neural network; ResNet-50References
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