Analysis of library resources and services in developing confidence for language use
Reading is a form of social activity that connects the readers to transformational learning. Library resources offer an opportunity to build competence in language use. In essence, the library resources can impact how students perceived reading as a channel to academic success, which in turn—develops a lifelong learner. This study was an exploratory study that analyzed how library resources and services develop confidence in language use. Eight (8) college students were purposively selected for one-on-one interview. The data gathered were narrative from college students on how they utilized resources from their local library. The findings suggested that college students considered their local library as a reliable site to search for information. In-depth analysis showed that students were confident in language use because their resources were reliable and accurate. Language use covered mostly phonological and morphological aspects of language, including lexicons, writing styles, and writing formats. Librarians had the role of encouraging the students to read contents from the library and assisting them in utilizing in-print and online contents. Library assistance enabled the students to build their ideas into meaningful developmental contents. This study provided an angle for language confidence, language success, and language competence. These components of language learning were essential in predicting the linguistic capacity of students.
directional assistance; language confidence; language use; library resourcesReferences
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