Knowledge mapping of translanguaging in education: A scientometric analysis using CiteSpace
The study of translanguaging in education has drawn increasing attention from scholars, particularly in the past decade. The present research conducted a comprehensive scientometric analysis using the CiteSpace application to investigate the multifaceted phenomenon of translanguaging in the context of education. It addresses the pressing need for quantitative review efforts in the domain of translanguaging in education by employing visualization as an innovative means of presenting bibliometric data. This paper analyzes 680 relevant journal articles published between 2010 and 2022, identifies three phases in the development of translanguaging research, and highlights topics such as bilingual education, higher education, and language-in-education policy. The primary findings, presented through statistical analyses and succinct commentaries, are organized into four sections to address the research questions including 1) general situation, 2) leading geographical locations, 3) co-citation analysis, and 4) keywords co-occurrence analysis. The findings reveal the importance of exploiting students' linguistic repertoires and home languages in education to enhance learning and promote a sense of belonging. This review offers valuable resources for subsequent research in the domain of translanguaging in education that is founded on a better understanding of multilingualism and its significance in contemporary educational landscapes.
CiteSpace; education; multilingualism; scientometric analysis; translanguagingReferences
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