Investigating the Effectiveness of Using Corpus-Based Developed Materials in Vocabulary Learning for Saudi EFL Students
Many studies have employed corpus linguistics methodologies to gain insights into L2 learning and teaching. While these studies have contributed to a comprehensive theoretical understanding of corpus use in L2 instruction, particularly in vocabulary learning, there remains a gap in practical application, especially within the context of English as a Foreign/Second Language (EFL/ESL). Therefore, this paper empirically examined the effectiveness of using the corpus approach for EFL students’ vocabulary development and explored students’ attitudes toward using a corpus to develop their vocabulary. In a five-week experimental study, involving 24 Saudi EFL female students, participants were evenly divided into two groups: the control and experimental groups. These objectives were investigated using a mixed-method design, comprising both quantitative and qualitative approaches, which included pretests, posttests, questionnaires, and diaries for the experimental group only. Data were statistically analyzed using the SPSS program (v.25), incorporating T-tests and descriptive statistical analysis, alongside a descriptive analysis of learners’ diaries to corroborate the questionnaire findings. The findings showed that both groups revealed improved vocabulary during the study period based on the post-test results, but favored the experimental group that received the corpus-based approach. Furthermore, the attitudes questionnaire’s results showed most students held positive attitudes toward using the COCA corpus for vocabulary learning, despite facing some difficulties, which, as described in their weekly diaries, could be overcome over time through practice and training.
Vocabulary learning; Corpus; Corpus-based approach; Traditional approach; Students attitudesReferences
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