Learning More about Chinese Culture through Speaking: English Speaking Module Incorporating Chinese Culture for EFL College Undergraduates in China
College undergraduates in China are still generally weak in their abilities to speak English even after years of education. Teachers need suitable instructional materials and effective teaching methods to enhance the undergraduates’ speaking abilities. This study employs a mixed-method design to develop a module to help English as a Foreign Language (EFL) college undergraduates in China acquire their English-speaking abilities by incorporating Chinese culture texts using the Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate (ADDIE) instructional model. Qualitative document gathering was utilized to identify key elements such as diverse Chinese cultural topics and communicative speaking activities, which were integral to developing the English Speaking Module. The prototype English Speaking Module was then validated by four experienced content experts using a 5-point Likert scale. The results, based on content experts’ ratings using Content Validity Index formulas, indicated that the prototype English Speaking Module as a whole, possesses high content validity. Furthermore, quantitative research methods were employed to pilot the prototype module among 32 college undergraduates from a private college in China. The undergraduates’ speaking performances were analyzed using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), and the results showed a high level of reliability for the prototype English Speaking Module. Then the developed English Speaking Module was formally implemented among 80 undergraduates in China to check its effectiveness in enhancing students’ English speaking skills. The pretest and post-test results of the formal implementation of the English Speaking Module indicated a significant improvement in the undergraduates’ speaking skills. This study’s significance lies in its potential to provide a culturally relevant and effective educational tool that not only enhances undergraduates’ English speaking skills but also enriches their understanding of their native culture. This dual focus can lead to a more engaging and meaningful learning experience, ultimately contributing to better educational outcomes for EFL college undergraduates in China.
ADDIE model; Chinese culture; Communicative speaking activities; Educational tool; English Speaking ModuleReferences
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