Expansion of the Meaning and Its Influence on Exegesis of Qur’anic Texts
One of the characteristics of the Arabic language is the ability to expand meaning. The study aimed to investigate the expansion of meaning and its most common methods in the Holy Qur’an and to reveal their effect on interpretation. The Qur’an was extrapolated entirely in search of expansion methods. Then the effect of this expansion on interpretation was studied with the descriptive approach. It has been shown that the Holy Qur’an is rich in the phenomenon of expansion which includes several methods; the word semantics, the morphological form of the word, the structure of speech, the letters of meanings, the revelation of the Qur’an in several readings, the precedence and the delay, the inclusion, the deletion, and the ecarts. The expansion effect was evident in the interpretation, so the Qur’anic meanings are numerous. The expansion of Qur’anic meaning is of two types. The first is a modal expansion, in which multiple meanings can be combined into one holistic sense. The second is a real expansion; several aspects of meaning are acceptable within their context; however, each can be considered individually. Hence, the language of the Qur’an expands to elicit deducers so that rulings of creatures are taken of it forever. Thus, the importance of the research is introducing new dimensions for understanding the rhetorical miracle of the Holy Qur’an.
Expanding the meaning; effect; Interpretation; Holy Qur’an; Arabic RhetoricReferences
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