Psycholinguistic Analysis of Inversion as a Rhetorical Figure in Fiction
The research deals with identifying the cognitive mechanisms used in cases of applying inversion and revealing its interaction with cognitive structures. The research employed methods of comparative, stylistic, and psycholinguistic analysis. The instruments were tested for reliability and validity using Cronbach’s alpha. Standard methods of mathematical statistics were also used. Inversion is a powerful rhetorical tool that can be used to create a variety of stylistic effects. In his novel entitled 1984, George Orwell used inversion to create the effect of expression and emphasize the contradictions of the totalitarian system. Jane Austen used inversion in her novel Pride and Prejudice to create the effect of expression and emphasize the characters’ personality and their internal conflicts. The use of inversion has the potential to add expressiveness and emotion to a phrase, evoking certain feelings or emotional responses in the reader. The academic novelty is an in-depth analysis aimed at identifying the interaction between the author’s individual creative process and the mental structures that determine the use of inversion. The practical value of the research is the possibility of applying the obtained results in education and literary creativity. Further research may focus on establishing the effects of inversion on text comprehension, reader’s emotional responses, and other important aspects.
Pride and prejudice; Linguistics; Comparative analysis; Literary analysis; Emotion transferReferences
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