The Definition and Typologies of Conversion and Compounding in Albanian Word Formation in a Crosslinguistic Approach
This study investigates the processes of compounding and conversion in Albanian, two major types of word formation alongside derivation. Unlike derivation, which has been extensively studied in Albanian linguistics, conversion and compounding have not received adequate theoretical attention. conversion is often conflated with derivation, lacking a distinct theoretical framework that recognizes its full potential for new word creation. Similarly, the study of compounding in Albanian linguistics has been dominated by orthographic considerations, resulting in a limited understanding of its role in word formation. The research aims to address these gaps by employing a cross-linguistic approach, comparing the capacities of conversion and compounding in Albanian to those in German, English and other Indo-European languages of Europe. This comparison highlights the untapped potential of these processes in Albanian. Due to the isolation of Albanian linguistics from other European linguistic traditions and the marginalization of word formation in morphology studies, these word formation types have been underutilized. The objective is to establish a comprehensive theoretical framework for both conversion and compounding in Albanian, emphasizing their semantic aspects. By doing so, this study seeks to elevate these processes to their rightful place among word formation types and to encourage their use by Albanian speakers. This approach will demonstrate that conversion in Albanian extends beyond merely changing word classes and that compounding should be understood through its semantic unity rather than orthographic criteria.
Albanian language; Word formation; Conversion; Zero derivation; Compounding; Orthography; Cross-linguistic approachReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Moussa Diagne Faye, Vini Yves Bernadin Loyara, Amadou Keita, Mamadou Diop, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Mahamadou Koita, Hamma Yacouba

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