The Elementary School Student’s Achievements in Usada Bali ‘Balinese Traditional Medicine’ Lexicon (Gender Study and Language Revitalization)
Usada Bali is a traditional Balinese healing practice that uses natural materials like plants for medicine. This practice is recorded in Balinese script on lontar leaves. Modern technology and synthetic medicine have reduced the use of some traditional medicinal plants and caused a language shift from Balinese to Indonesian, even for traditional medicine terminology. Now, these materials are often written in Indonesian to describe their usage. This study aims to analyze the language strategies regarding the Usada Bali lexicon applied by the student's parents at elementary school at Denpasar and Klungkung Regency. It examines students' proficiency in traditional medicine types, treatment techniques, and related medical problems, and factors influencing their understanding. Using qualitative methods and surveys, the study found that most parents (66.3% in Denpasar and 83.3% in Klungkung) use Strategy 7-a language strategy involving Balinese Language with their children, the same as that employed in the neighborhood domain. As a result, 59.2%-81.9% of students understand the traditional medicine lexicons. The study concludes that besides Strategy 7, other factors such as family demographics and the presence of multiple generations play significant roles in maintaining the Balinese language and Usada Bali lexicons, as part of oral traditions and Balinese Culture, which are crucial for preserving Balinese cultural identity.
Language strategies; Medical types; Treatment techniques; Medical problems; Usada BaliReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Moussa Diagne Faye, Vini Yves Bernadin Loyara, Amadou Keita, Mamadou Diop, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Mahamadou Koita, Hamma Yacouba

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