Enhancing Language and Linguistic Proficiency Through Project-Based Learning: A Study from South India
Mastering language and linguistics, the foundations of human expression and understanding, is being revolutionized through project-based learning, enabling individuals to unlock their full potential in communication, cultural insight, and global connection. Although the significance of project-based learning (PBL) is increasing in the contemporary scenario, the prominence given to this mode of study is comparatively negligible. Many universities have failed to update their curriculum according to the ever-changing needs of the industry. Researches exploring the necessity of incorporating project-based learning in the field of language and linguistics are scarce. Interdisciplinary approach is the need of the time and incorporating project-based learning in language and linguistics can transform and revamp the talents of EFL students. This research helps to comprehend these perspectives in a wide manner and fills the existing gap. The responses were collected from 50 EFL faculty members and 165 EFL students. In order to collect the data, a structured survey questionnaire is prepared and distributed in higher education institutions in two south Indian states, namely, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Purposive sampling technique was employed at this stage. A five-point Likert scale, graphical analysis, percentage analysis, descriptive analysis and flowchart method were used to analyze, interpret and represent the collected data. This study explicates the necessity to have a curriculum that focuses on PBL from the early stage of higher education and its role in developing excellent research and critical thinking skills. The study finds that PBL increases the language acquisition skills and employability skills of the students.
Language; Linguistics; Writing; Reading; Project-Based Learning; English Language Teaching; Higher EducationReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Moussa Diagne Faye, Vini Yves Bernadin Loyara, Amadou Keita, Mamadou Diop, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Mahamadou Koita, Hamma Yacouba

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