English Language Teaching Methods: Applicability and Challenges from EFL Teachers' Perspectives


  • Morshed Salim Al-Jaro

    Department of English, College of Women, Seiyun University, Seiyun, Yemen

  • Akkarapon Akkarapon

    Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Buriram Rajabhat University, Buriram 31000, Thailand

  • Yahya Ameen Tayeb

    Department of English, College of Women, Seiyun University, Seiyun, Yemen


Received: 6 September 2024 | Revised: 21 September 2024 | Accepted: 25 September 2024 | Published Online: 6 December 2024


This study aims to investigate effective English language teaching methods from the viewpoints of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instructors and to emphasize the challenges encountered by EFL teachers in employing these methods, concentrating on their perspectives, experiences, and recommendations. This study employed a qualitative design and implemented a multiple case study methodology. The researchers utilized purposeful sampling to deliberately choose study participants and venues, aiming to achieve a thorough comprehension of the phenomenon. The data were gathered from a diverse group of nine EFL teachers in the Hadhramout region, Yemen. Semi-structured individual interviews were utilized to achieve the objectives of this qualitative case study. Nine people were interviewed during the study. Thematic analysis was conducted in a systematic and straightforward manner, and the contents were evaluated to identify the similarities and differences between the participants' contents. The study reveals recommendations and practical strategies for EFL teachers to enhance their instructional practices and improve language learning outcomes. It also draws upon current research, best practices, and the experiences of EFL experts to present a comprehensive overview of effective teaching methods. The findings of the study provide valuable insights into the preferences, challenges, and potential benefits associated with different EFL teaching methods. The study concludes with significant implications of these findings for EFL teaching practices and offers recommendations for teacher professional development.


Applicability; Challenges; EFL Teachers; Teaching Methods; Yemen


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How to Cite

Al-Jaro, M. S., Akkarapon, A., & Tayeb, Y. A. (2024). English Language Teaching Methods: Applicability and Challenges from EFL Teachers’ Perspectives. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 6(6), 238–248. https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v6i6.7218


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