Examining the Influence of YouTube Educational Channels on the Interactive Enhancement of Speaking Proficiency of Saudi EFL Learners
This research examines the influence of YouTube educational channels on enhancing the speaking proficiency of Saudi EFL learners, particularly focusing on the perceptions and usage of these platforms among undergraduate students. The study reveals a diverse demographic profile of participants, primarily aged 21-23, indicating a strong inclination among younger learners towards technology-enhanced education. With a significant majority of female participants (76.3%), the findings reflect broader trends in language education that necessitate further exploration of gender dynamics, and the barriers faced by male students. Participants demonstrated high familiarity with YouTube, with 43.6% categorizing themselves as "very" or "extremely familiar," and reported frequent usage of the platform for language learning. Their perceptions of YouTube’s effectiveness for improving speaking skills were notably positive, with 57.9% deeming it "very" or "extremely effective." The clear preference for YouTube over traditional methods underscores its role as a vital educational resource, offering a variety of content that caters to different learning styles. Qualitative feedback highlighted the value of engaging and immersive learning experiences. The study concludes by emphasizing the necessity for educational institutions to incorporate YouTube into curricula and adopt inclusive pedagogical strategies that enhance the learning experience for all students. Future research should further investigate the implications of these findings on educational practices and gender dynamics in digital learning environments.
YouTube; EFL Learners; Speaking Proficiency; Digital Education; Gender DynamicsReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Nasser Mohammad Alrashidi, Hamoud Sultan Alanazi, Salman Sulaiman Alrashidi, Hammad Ali Alshammari
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