Kalmyk Heroic Epic “Jangar” in the Original and Translation as a Bilingual Phenomenon: Thesaurus Modeling of Epic Lexicon and Translation Strategies
This article is a continuation of many years of work devoted to the study of the lexical space of the Kalmyk epic discourse, in particular the songs of the Kalmyk heroic epic “Jangar” in the original and in translation into Russian. The relevance of the stated topic is related to the problem of the integral study of language and culture. The article is devoted to the study of the key issue related to the definition of the semantic structure (semantema) of a word, unambiguous or polysemantic. In the latter case, the semanteme is considered as a system of sememes of the lexeme as a whole with the aim of developing an algorithm for determining the original meaning of the word and strategies for its model lexicographic description and translation into other languages (Russian, English, etc.). The discussion focuses on translation strategy. The study of the epic text as a bilingual phenomenon in the translatological aspect is of great interest from the point of view of the representation of the realities of material and spiritual culture in the Kalmyk original and the methods of their transmission in the translation language. The following tasks were set in the work: description of the theoretical basis of the study based on the analysis of scientific literature on the stated topic; analysis of the historiography of the issue. Three main methods represent the research methodology: descriptive (observation, generalization, interpretation and classification), comparative and systemic. We used such techniques as analysis and synthesis.
Jangariada; Kalmyk Heroic Epic; Thesaurus; Epic Lexicon; Translation StrategiesReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Ellara U. Omakaeva, Aisa I. Urgadulova, Svetlana D. Kitlyaeva, Galina M. Bovaeva, Tatyana V. Buraeva, Aleksandr B. Lidzhiev

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