A Critical Review on Washback Effect in Education and Its Influence on Curriculum Design
Testing and examination have an impact on teaching and learning pedagogy. The scholar used the term washback to explain the effect of testing on curriculum development. This review examines the concept of washback, influence that tests and examinations have on teaching, learning, and curriculum design. Washback can manifest in both positive and negative forms, impacting educational practices at both micro and macro levels. Positive washback encourages curriculum alignment and instructional improvements, fostering a more effective learning environment. However, negative washback can narrow the educational focus to test preparation, thereby limiting the broader learning objectives. The review also explores related concepts such as test impact, systemic validity, and curriculum alignment, highlighting the need for ongoing research to better understand the complexities of washback and to develop strategies for mitigating its negative effects. The findings underscore the importance of aligning testing with curriculum goals to ensure that assessments serve as a tool for enhancing, rather than constraining, educational outcomes.
Washback; Curriculum Design; Education; Classroom Activities; Teaching and Learning ActivitiesReferences
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