Rethinking the PhD: Aligning Higher Education with Market Needs and Practical Skills
This study examines the growing trend among GCC students, particularly master’s degree holders, in pursuing doctoral studies as a means of enhancing career opportunities and achieving social mobility, especially in government sectors. It critically assesses the relevance of a doctorate in today’s job market, where competencies, experience, and skills are increasingly prioritized over academic qualifications. The research is based on data collected from prominent recruitment platforms, such as Bayt.com and GulfTalent, to provide actionable insights for academia, industry, and policymakers. It explores how labor market demands and shifting workforce requirements influence the motivation to pursue doctoral degrees and highlights the need to align academic programs with market needs. A theoretical framework examines industry requirements, Oman’s economic development, government initiatives, and the role of academic institutions in shaping demand for doctorate holders. Using a qualitative methodology, including a literature review, data from recruitment platforms, and interviews, the study offers an in-depth analysis of labor market trends in the GCC. The findings aim to inform stakeholders by providing evidence-based recommendations for revising training programs, improving educational curricula, and guiding policy decisions related to employment and workforce development in the region. By addressing the evolving relationship between academic qualifications and labor market needs, this research contributes to bridging the gap between education and employability in the GCC.
Business Sector Needs; Strategic Review; Motive for Postgraduate Studies; Doctorate Degrees; Higher EducationReferences
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