The Model of the Professional Linguistic Personality of a Lawyer of Kazakhstan in the Linguistic Rhetorical Ideal Aspect
The article presents the results of a study on the professional linguistic personality of a specialist in the legal industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the linguistic rhetorical Ideal aspect in the concept of the Sochi Linguistic & Rhetorical School. An idealized linguistic rhetorical model of the professional linguistic personality of a Kazakhstani lawyer has been created, in which the most significant personal, professional, and speech-thinking qualities of the ‘ideal specialist’ are collected and systemized. Modeling was performed in stages. First, the professional linguistic personality structure of a lawyer is analyzed at four levels: verbal-semantic, linguistic-cognitive, motivational and situational-synthesizing. The verbal and non-verbal means forming each structural level are revealed. Second, the professional competence of a Kazakhstani lawyer is considered and its key professional competencies are determined. The necessity for a lawyer to form and develop an integral linguistic rhetorical competence, combining language, linguistic, rhetorical competencies, which, in turn, integrates textual, communicative and ethno-cultural-speech competencies, is justified. Third, the dominants of the linguistic rhetorical Ideal of speech actions are described, which are Logos, Ethos, Pathos, and Sophia. A generalized scheme is provided upon completion of the modeling of the lawyer's professional linguistic personality. It is concluded that Kazakhstani lawyers, who are most consistent with the linguistic rhetorical model developed in this article, collectively embody the image of an ‘ideal specialist of the legal industry in Kazakhstan’.
Professional Linguistic Personality; Kazakhstani Lawyer; Sochi Linguistic & Rhetorical School; Linguistic Rhetorical IdealReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Yekaterina Gunina, Alexandra Vorozhbitova, Salika Sayakhmet, Ainakul Tumanova, Karlygash Demeubekova
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