Exploring Student Insights on ChatGPT as a Resource for Learning English and Its Influence on Learner Independence


  • Malik Al Zakwani

    Post Graduate Studies, Scientific Research and Innovation, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Al Mussanah PC-314, The Sultanate of Oman

  • Binu P.M.

    English Language Centre, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Al Mussanah PC-314, The Sultanate of Oman


Received: 12 November 2024 | Revised: 26 January 2025 | Accepted: 27 January 2025 | Published Online: 20 February 2025


ChatGPT has enormous capabilities in generating human-like text responses. Moreover, many higher education students use it to complete their language-related tasks. Despite numerous studies about the effectiveness of ChatGPT in English language education, there remains a notable gap in understanding how EFL students perceive this generative chatbot and its implications for self-regulated learning. This research addresses this gap by examining EFL students’ perceptions of ChatGPT as a tool for English language learning and its perceived impact on learner autonomy. A mixed methods approach was used for the current study by administering a survey questionnaire among EFL students (N = 190) and conducting semi-structured interviews with selected students (N = 18) at University X. The data collected from the questionnaire were analysed using SPSS, while the qualitative data from semi-structured interviews were presented using coding and thematic analysis. The findings of this study reveal that students have positive perceptions of using ChatGPT to enhance English language learning and learner autonomy. Most participants appreciated the flexibility and convenience of the tool. The findings of this study have implications for educators and researchers in making informed decisions about revisiting instructional approaches, designing language curricula, and planning professional development activities.


ChatGPT; EFL Learners; Learner Autonomy; Proficiency Levels; Student Perspectives


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How to Cite

Zakwani, M. A., & P.M., B. (2025). Exploring Student Insights on ChatGPT as a Resource for Learning English and Its Influence on Learner Independence. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 7(2), 813–824. https://doi.org/10.30564/fls.v7i2.7955


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