Exploring the Challenges and Strategies of Learning Arabic Language among Primary School Teachers
Several concerns concerning the acquisition of the Arabic language have been the subject of substantial discussion, one of which is the requirement to take into account a number of different elements. In order to address this issue, the current study conducted a qualitative investigation of the difficulties that primary school children face when attempting to learn Arabic, as well as the instructional methods that are utilised by primary school teachers. Interviews with a semi-structured format were carried out with 43 primary school teachers in Peninsular Malaysia who were selected through a purposeful sampling process. This guaranteeing a broad representation of experiences was achieved. Complex script, root word system, vowels, homographs, gender and quantity, and cultural context were identified as the six primary obstacles that were discovered from the findings that were gathered. In addition, eight different instructional methods were identified, including the utilisation of visual aids, learning environments that provide contextual information, iterative repetition, interactive game-based learning, targeted vocabulary exercises, narrative techniques, collaborative learning models, and the incorporation of technology. The findings of this study showed the significance of adopting a variety of flexible teaching methodologies in order to effectively cope with the complexity of language acquisition, particularly the Arabic language.
Arabic Language; Teaching and Learning; Challenges; Strategies; Primary School; Pupils; TeachersReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Ab Aziz Wan Wan Daud, Mohammad Taufiq Abdul Ghani, Ahmad Abdul Rahman, Mohd Akashah Mohammad Yusof, Hadhrami Ab Ghani, Zahazan Mohamed

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